millwright 3rd block harmonized 2022

This class was created by Brainscape user Trish Struass. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Laser Shaft Alignment
Laser alignment setup does not al...,
Where is the laser detector unit ...,
Where is the prism reflector mounted
7  cards
Laser Shaft Allignment
What is dynamic interruption,
How does the control unit express...,
What can cause inaccuracy in lasers
5  cards
Leveling and Bore Alignment
Define flat,
Define plumb,
Define level
49  cards
Rim and face alignment
What are 2 types of misalignment,
What are 3 basic types of couplin...,
Coupling that provides a fixed un...
21  cards
Alignment A
4 sources of error in alignment t...,
Light refraction direction when p...,
What does convex mean
24  cards
Module - Cross Dial Alignment.
Module Review
2  cards
Rim and face alignment COPY
What are 2 types of misalignment,
What are 3 basic types of couplin...,
Coupling that provides a fixed un...
21  cards
Rim And Sace Alignment
Which dial reads reads offset,
Which dial reads angular misalign...,
What are the two types of soft foot
13  cards
cross dial alignment
With which dial alignment procedu...,
When mounting the a dial and b di...,
When taking readings for vertical...
18  cards
Rim and Face Shaft Alignment, Grouting, Levelling and Anchoring
Runout refers to,
Misalignment can cause,
What are the three types of misal...
55  cards
Leveling And Bore Alignment COPY
What is flat,
What is plumb,
What is straight
30  cards
Chapter 15 - Pumps
What are the applications for pumps,
What are the two basic classifica...,
How does a dynamic pump move fluid
112  cards
List three 3 kinds of pressure fo...,
What is a manometer used for,
How can you remove static electri...
24  cards
Dynamic pumps
What is specific gravity,
What is the conversion of psi to kpa,
What is the formula to determine ...
80  cards
Positive Displacement Pumps
What is incorporated on the disch...,
As pressure rises what happens to...,
Describe volumetric efficiency
30  cards
Chapter 17 - Pneumatic Systems
What are the general difference b...,
What laws and theories can be app...,
Describe absolute zero temperature
78  cards
Screw Compressors/lobe blowers/liquid ring
How is this compressor typically ...,
What are some advantages of the s...,
How was the delivery of air super...
76  cards
Compressor Fundamentals
3 ways to increase pressure in a ...,
Principle used by dynamic compressor,
0 kelvin to celcius
22  cards
screw compressor
What dual rotor screw compressor ...,
Dual rotor screw compressor uses ...,
What is helical lobe
52  cards
liquid ring
Air gets in and out of the liquid...,
Liquid ring compressor elliptical...,
Compressor best used for saturate...
5  cards
dynamic compressors
How to increase effieciency and c...,
Increasing the speed in the singl...,
Adding additional impellers also ...
36  cards
Lobe Blower
Lobe blowers are used to produce ...,
What advantage is helical lobe bl...,
What type of bearings are found o...
5  cards
Vane compressor
What is pressure ratio,
What is the casing,
What is a stator
44  cards
Screw Compresors
What are the two basic types of s...,
Which design is more common dual ...,
What are the two category of dual...
44  cards
Lobe Blowers
What is a lobe blower,
What is the purpose of a lobe blower,
How is pressure increased at the ...
21  cards
Gas and Air Dryers
What is the term used to describe...,
What is relative humidity,
What is dew point
83  cards

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millwright 3rd block harmonized 2022

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