aqa history conflict and tension 1894 - 1918

This class was created by Brainscape user mayra narang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

1.1 The Alliance System
Which of these countries was quee...,
How many people lived in the brit...,
What percentage of the british po...
46  cards
1.2 - Anglo-German Rivalry + Outbreak of War
Why was germany keen to prove her...,
Why was britain unintimidated by ...,
What caused the increased militar...
18  cards
2.1 - The Schlieffen Plan
What was the schlieffen plan,
Why did britain join,
What was the treaty of london
16  cards
2.2 - Tactics, technology, trench warfare, attrition
How far from the front line were ...,
How deep did the germans dig thei...,
Why were trenches built in zigzags
15  cards
2.2 - Verdun
Who was verdun between,
Who was the new french general at...,
What explains why the french beli...
13  cards
2.2 - The Somme
What type of weapon was able to i...,
Of the 60 000 british casualties ...,
By the end of the battle on 18 no...
12  cards
2.2 - Passchendaele
Which battle of ypres became know...,
What was britain s strategic goal...,
How far away were the ports that ...
9  cards
2.3 - Gallipoli
Who joined the war as a result of...,
Who joined the war as a result of...,
What was the aim of gallipoli
15  cards
2.3 - Jutland
Why was the blockade bad for germany,
Which british battleship was sunk...,
How many
15  cards
3.1 - Withdrawal of Russia
Why did russia leave the war,
How did britain and france respon...,
What were the advantages to germany
9  cards
3.1 - Impact of USA's entry
Why did america join,
What made the allies happy yay,
Why was germany not too chuffed
4  cards
3.2 - The Ludendorff Offensive
What was the ludendorff offensive,
What city did they hope to captur...,
What was significant about amiens
16  cards
3.2 - The Hundred Days Offensive
What was the hundred days offensive,
What was the tactic employed by g...,
Which of these was not a battle i...
9  cards
3.2 - Military improvement
Surely the tactics would be the same,
What was the name given to the te...,
What was the name of the world s ...
13  cards
3.3 Germany's Surrender (?)
It was hard for families at home ...,
How many german and central power...,
In 1917 how many were killed by a...
15  cards
3.3 - The end of the war
Where did german sailors mutiny i...,
What was the name of the german p...,
What term is given to the ceasefire
4  cards

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aqa history conflict and tension 1894 - 1918

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