history, germany

This class was created by Brainscape user Aoife Lynch. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

Unification of Germany (1871) - W
What is the unification of germany,
What was it like before germany u...,
Why did they unify
6  cards
Parliamentary Government - W
What is the role of the chancellor,
What was the reichstag,
What is the role of the reichstag
12  cards
Kaiser Wilhem II - W
Where was the kaiser from,
What qualities did kaiser wilhelm...,
What was kaiser wilhelm s foreign...
4  cards
Industrialisation of Germany - W
How did industrialisation benefit...,
How was germany able to industria...
2  cards
Rise of Socialism - W
Who were the spd,
Why was there a rise in socialism,
What did workers do
4  cards
Navy Laws - W
What were the navy laws,
Why were the navy laws made,
What were the consequences of the...
4  cards
Why did Germany lose WW1? - W
Explain why the usa involvement l...,
Explain why germany s lack of emp...,
How many times more colonies did ...
8  cards
Impacts of WW1 - W
Explain the economical impacts of...,
Explain the social impacts of ww1...,
Explain the political impacts of ...
3  cards
Structure of the Weimar Republic - WR
What is the weimar republic,
What is a majority,
Who was head of state in the weim...
15  cards
Why was the Weimar Government weak? - WR
Why did proportional representati...,
Why did article 48 make the weima...,
What other reasons were there for...
3  cards
Threats - WR
What threats were there by the le...,
What threats were by the right wing,
Describe the threats by the spart...
5  cards
Munich Putsch - WR
What happened at munich putsch,
What were the consequences of the...
2  cards
German Reactions to the ToV - WR
How did germans react to the trea...
1  cards
Hyperinflation (1923) - WR
Why was the ruhr occupied by fren...,
How many french and belgian soldi...,
What did the soldiers do once the...
8  cards
Stresemann (1924-29) - WR
How did stresemann resolve the hy...,
How did stresemann resolve the fr...,
What was the dawes plan 1924 and ...
10  cards
The Golden Age (1920s) (Stresemann) - WR
What were the signs of economic r...,
What were the signs of,
How was cinema affected during th...
12  cards
The Depression - WR
What was the great depression,
Why did the great depression hit ...,
What was the economic impact of t...
9  cards
Election Dates - WR + N
What happened in the may 1928 ele...,
What happened in the september 19...,
What happened in the july 1932 el...
5  cards
Why did the Nazi Party grow? - N
How did fear of communism cause t...,
How did nazi structure help the n...,
How did hitler s public appeal he...
4  cards
Who voted for the Nazis? - N
Why did farmers vote for the nazis,
Why did women vote for the nazis,
Why did women vote for the nazis
5  cards
Elimination of Political Opposition - N
Why was president hindenburg a pr...,
How many nazis were in the cabinet,
Why was article 48 a problem for ...
21  cards
Threat of the SA - N
What was wrong with the sa,
Why was their leader ernst rohm a...,
Why did hitler need to stay on th...
11  cards
Economic Changes - N
Why did hitler become to fuhrer,
How many people were unemployed i...,
Who had to spend 6 months in the ...
16  cards
Schacht (1934-37) - N
What was schacht s aim,
What did he do,
What was the impact of what he did
3  cards
Goering (1936-39) - N
What does autarky mean,
What was goering s four year plan...
2  cards
Farmers - N
How were farmers benefitted by th...,
How were farmers disadvantaged by...
2  cards
Impact of War - N
Who were prioritised during the war,
Name an example of how germans we...,
How many foreign workers were bro...
8  cards
Nazi Women - N
What was it like for women in wei...,
What happened to the birth rate d...,
Why did the nazi s oppose weimar ...
20  cards
Education - N
What were race studies called,
What was the impact eugenics had ...,
What subject became an important ...
10  cards
Hitler Youth/League of German Maidens - N
When was the hitler youth founded,
What did boys do in hitler youth,
How often did boys attend hitler ...
12  cards
Religion - N
Why would the church support the ...,
Why would the church oppose the n...,
How many germans were christian
5  cards
The Final Solution - N
When did jewish boycotts happen i...,
What were all jewish shops marked...,
How were jewish people discrimina...
27  cards
Fear - N
When was the ss set up,
Who led the ss,
How was the ss divided
12  cards
Death Camps - N
How many jews were killed in deat...,
Which groups were sent to death c...,
How did jews arrive at death camps
8  cards
Propaganda - N
What leading nazi was put in char...,
How did newspapers spread propaganda,
How did the radio spread propaganda
7  cards
Culture - N
How was cinema affected under the...,
How was art affected under the nazis,
How was literature affected under...
16  cards
Resistance and Opposition - N
Who were the swing youth,
Who were the edelweiss pirate,
Who were the white rose group
6  cards

More about
history, germany

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