This class was created by Brainscape user Emily S. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

American West- Mormons
The mormons,
Reasons why the mormons moved,
Travels of the mormons
6  cards
American West War
Little crows war 1862,
The cheyenne uprising 1863,
Sand creek massacre 1864
6  cards
American West Civil War
Economic effects,
Social effects
6  cards
American West Treaties And Acts
What was the indian removal act,
What was the trail of tears,
What was the permanent indian fro...
11  cards
American West- Oregon Trail
Where was the oregon trail,
How did people travel on the oreg...,
Why did people travel the oregon ...
5  cards
American West- Wounded Knee
What was the wounded knee massacre,
Who was involved in the battle of...,
When was the battle of wounded knee
5  cards
Elizabeth - Golden Age
Why was elizabeths reign consider...
1  cards
Elizabeth - Discoveries
Sir francis drake,
Walter raleigh s,
John hawkins
3  cards
Elizabeth- Drake And Circumnavigation
What was important about sir fran...,
5  cards
Elizabeth - Essexs Rebellion
What happened during the essex re...,
Why did people desert the essex r...
5  cards
Elizabeth - Northern Rebellion
3  cards
Elizabeth - Ridolfi
What was the ridolfi plot,
What was the impact of the ridolf...
2  cards
Elizabeth - Throckmorton
What was the throckmorton plot,
What was the outcome of the throc...
2  cards
Elizabeth- Babington
What was the babington plot,
Why did the babington plot fail
2  cards
Elizabeth - Catholic Threat
What was the counter reformation,
Who were the jesuits in the count...,
Who was edmund campion in the cou...
4  cards
Elizabeth- Puritan
How did puritans differ to modera...,
How did elizabeth treat puritans,
Were there any powerful puritans
4  cards
Elizabeth - Cadiz
What was the raid on cadiz,
What happened to the armada follo...
2  cards
Elizabeth -Spanish Armada
When was the spanish armada attack,
Who led the spanish armada,
What were the causes of the spani...
5  cards
Conflict And Tension 1
Tov strength,
Clemenceau vs lloyd george,
Lloyd george vs woodrow wilson
8  cards
C+T Manchuria Crisis
What was the manchurian crisis,
Why did japan invade manchuria in...
2  cards
Medieval Medicine
Islamic medicine,
Medieval surgery
2  cards
Medicune- Key Individuals
Johannes gutenberg
4  cards

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