This class was created by Brainscape user H. JG. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (44)

Safety in hemato lab
1 standard precautions apply to a...,
2 the most important practice in ...,
3 the appropriate dilution of ble...
11  cards
Blood specimen collection
1 which step in the clsi procedur...,
2 select the needle most commonly...,
3 for a complete blood count hema...
12  cards
Care and use of the microscope
1 use of which one of the followi...,
2 which of the following gathers ...,
3 after focusing a specimen by us...
11  cards
Quality Assurance in Hematology and Hemostasis Testing
1 what procedure is employed to v...,
2 you validate a new assay using ...,
3 which is a statistical test com...
16  cards
Cellular Structure and Function
1 the organelle involved in packa...,
2 the glycocalyx is composed of m...,
3 the control center of the cell ...
14  cards
1 the process of formation and de...,
2 during the second trimester of ...,
3 which one of the following orga...
12  cards
Erythrocyte Production and Destruction
1 which of the following is an er...,
2 which of the following is the m...,
3 what erythroid precursor can be...
12  cards
Erythrocyte Metabolism and Membrane Structure and Function
1 which rbc process does not requ...,
2 what pathway anaerobically gene...,
3 which is true concerning 2 3 bp...
12  cards
Hemoglobin Metabolism
1 a hemoglobin molecule is compos...,
2 normal adult hb a contains whic...,
3 a key rate limiting step in hem...
11  cards
Iron Kinetics and Laboratory Assessment
1 iron is transported in plasma v...,
2 what is the major metabolically...,
3 the total iron binding capacity...
12  cards
Leukocyte Development, Kinetics, and Functions
1 neutrophils and monocytes are d...,
2 the stage in neutrophilic devel...,
3 type ii myeloblasts are charact...
10  cards
Platelet Production, Structure, and Function
1 the megakaryocyte progenitor th...,
2 the growth factor that is produ...,
3 what platelet organelle sequest...
10  cards
Manual, Semiautomated, and Point-of-Care Testing in Hematology
1 a 1 20 dilution of blood is mad...,
2 the total wbc count is 20 3 109...,
3 if potassium cyanide and potass...
10  cards
Automated Blood Cell Analysis
Examine the histograms scatterplo...,
2 which instrument printout has a...,
3 what do you suspect is the caus...
10  cards
Examination of the Peripheral Blood Film and Correlation with the Complete Blood Count
1 a laboratory science student co...,
2 when a blood film is viewed thr...,
3 a stained blood film is held up...
10  cards
Bone Marrow Examination
1 where is most hematopoietic tis...,
2 what is the preferred bone marr...,
3 the aspirate should be examined...
11  cards
Body Fluid Analysis in the Hematology Laboratory
Refer to the following scenario t...,
Refer to the following scenario t...,
3 based on the cell counts the ap...
10  cards
Anemias: Red Blood Cell Morphology and Approach to Diagnosis
1 which of the following patients...,
2 common clinical symptoms of ane...,
3 which of the following are impo...
11  cards
Disorders of Iron Kinetics and Heme Metabolism
1 the mother of a 4 month old inf...,
2 a bone marrow biopsy was perfor...,
2 a bone marrow biopsy was perfor...
12  cards
Anemias Caused by Defects of DNA Metabolism
1 which of the following findings...,
2 a patient has a clinical pictur...,
3 which one of the following stat...
10  cards
Bone Marrow Failure
1 the clinical consequences of pa...,
2 idiopathic acquired aplastic an...,
3 the pathophysiologic mechanism ...
11  cards
Introduction to Increased Destruction of Erythrocytes
1 the term hemolytic disorder in ...,
2 rbc destruction that occurs whe...,
3 a sign of hemolysis that is typ...
10  cards
Intrinsic Defects Leading to Increased Erythrocyte Destruction
1 in hs a characteristic abnormal...,
2 the altered shape of the sphero...,
3 which of the following results ...
11  cards
Extrinsic Defects Leading to Increased Erythrocyte Destruction— Nonimmune Causes
1 which one of the following is a...,
2 typical laboratory findings in ...,
3 the pathophysiology of idiopath...
11  cards
Extrinsic Defects Leading to Increased Erythrocyte Destruction—Immune Causes
1 immune hemolytic anemia is due ...,
2 the pathophysiology of immune h...,
3 in hemolysis mediated by igg an...
11  cards
Hemoglobinopathies (Structural Defects in Hemoglobin)
1 a qualitative abnormality in he...,
2 the substitution of valine for ...,
3 patients with scd usually do no...
16  cards
1 the thalassemias are caused by ...,
2 thalassemia is more prevalent i...,
3 the hemolytic anemia associated...
15  cards
Nonmalignant Leukocyte Disorders
1 which of the following inherite...,
2 which of the following inherite...,
3 which of the following inherite...
10  cards
1 g banding refers to the techniq...,
2 which of the following compound...,
3 one arm of a chromosome has 30 ...
10  cards
Molecular Diagnostics in Hematopathology
1 if the dna nucleotide sequence ...,
2 cells with damaged dna and muta...,
3 to start dna replication dna po...
10  cards
Flow Cytometric Analysis in Hematologic Disorders
1 what is the most common clinica...,
2 which of the following is true ...,
3 erythroid precursors are charac...
11  cards
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
1 a peripheral blood film that sh...,
2 which of the following chromoso...,
3 a patient has a wbc count of 30...
10  cards
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
1 mdss are most common in which a...,
2 what is a major indication of m...,
3 an alert hematologist should re...
10  cards
Acute Leukemias
1 according to the who classifica...,
2 a 20 year old patient has an el...,
3 which of the following would be...
12  cards
Mature Lymphoid Neoplasms
1 in most cases the diagnosis of ...,
2 the most common lymphoma occurr...,
3 in a normal lymph node the medu...
10  cards
Normal Hemostasis and Coagulation
1 what intimal cell synthesizes a...,
2 what subendothelial structural ...,
3 what coagulation plasma protein...
10  cards
Hemorrhagic Disorders and Laboratory Assessment
1 what is the most common acquire...,
2 which is a typical form of anat...,
3 what factor deficiency has the ...
11  cards
Thrombotic Disorders and Laboratory Assessment
1 what is the prevalence of venou...,
2 what is thrombophilia a predisp...,
3 what acquired thrombosis risk f...
14  cards
Thrombocytopenia and Thrombocytosis
1 the autosomal dominant disorder...,
2 which of the following is not a...,
3 the specific antigen most commo...
10  cards
Qualitative Disorders of Platelets and Vasculature
1 the clinical presentation of pl...,
2 a defect in gp iib iiia causes ...,
3 aspirin ingestion blocks the sy...
10  cards
Laboratory Evaluation of Hemostasis
1 what happens if a coagulation s...,
2 if you collect blood into a ser...,
3 what is the effect of hemolysis...
14  cards
Antithrombotic Therapies and Their Laboratory Assessment
1 what is the pt inr therapeutic ...,
2 monitoring of a patient taking ...,
3 what is the greatest advantage ...
15  cards
Hemostasis and Coagulation Instrumentation
1 the photo optical method of end...,
2 modern coagulation analyzers ha...,
3 which of the following is consi...
10  cards
Pediatric and Geriatric Hematology and Hemostasis
1 the cbc results for children ag...,
2 physiologic anemia of infancy r...,
3 the cbc report on a 3 day old n...
10  cards

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***rodak's - hematology 5th

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