This class was created by Brainscape user Helen West. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Small holder cases SDL
T f star gazing is normal in goats,
Describe star gazing in goats,
What are the 2 most common causes...
59  cards
Routine husbandry procedures
Where should ear tags be placed i...,
Describe tb reactor tags,
List 4 complications of tagging
26  cards
Mastitis - individual
List 5 reasons why mastitis is im...,
What can farmers use to test for ...,
Describe the california milk test
36  cards
Herd level mastitis
Describe how to reduce antibiotic...,
What are the 3 things you are try...,
What does the 5 point plan focus on
18  cards
Severe mastitis in sheep and cattle
List 9 differential diagnoses for...,
List 4 clinical signs of a cow wi...,
What bacteria is most commonly re...
12  cards
Controlling ketosis
List 6 things that ketosis makes ...,
Define subclinical ketosis,
Define clinical ketosis
43  cards
Controlling hypocalcaemia
What is the main hormone that con...,
List 4 effects of hypocalcaemia i...,
Which of the following act to inc...
26  cards
Iceberg diseases in sheep
List the 5 iceberg disease in sheep,
If you see wasting respiratory an...,
What cause maedi visna
42  cards
On farm nutrition monitoring
List 2 diseases we are trying to ...,
When are cows at risk of neb,
List 4 impacts negative energy ba...
37  cards
Mineral deficiencies and toxicities SDL
Name 7 essential macrominerals fo...,
Name 7 essential microminerals fo...,
Name 3 essential vitamins for rum...
10  cards
Poor performance in game birds
What are the main ways disease ca...,
At what age are poults transferre...,
For how long do game birds chicks...
46  cards
Teat surgery and teat disease
Do teat lacerations have a better...,
Do teat lacerations have a better...,
List 2 indications for teat amput...
9  cards
Farm assurance
How do cows get bse,
When does clinical infection of b...,
What could be a possible human is...
10  cards

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6-fa- production diseases

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