4bby1013 biochemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user user delete. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Molecules of Life
1 name the 4 main classes of biol...,
2 which functional groups are pre...,
3 what are monosaccharides with a...
19  cards
Energy Considerations
1 what is the first thermodynamic...,
2 what does h mean,
3 define exothermic and endotherm...
13  cards
Lipids and Membranes
1 define lipids and give examples,
2 what is the structure of glycer...,
3 what are different polar head g...
22  cards
Protein Structure
1 define the term stereoisomers,
2 how can you tell an l isomer fr...,
3 which 2 bonds are rotatable in ...
16  cards
DNA as Genetic Material
1 give 2 pieces of evidence exper...,
2 describe the griffith pneumocco...,
3 after the mice experiments whic...
18  cards
Replication of DNA
1 describe the initiation of dna ...,
2 how is the rest of the dna stra...,
3 which enzymes must act on the s...
18  cards
Protein Synthesis I
1 what is the difference between ...,
2 which enzyme is involved in the...,
3 what are the three stages of rn...
15  cards
Protein Synthesis II
1 define the terms triplet codes ...,
2 describe the structure of a trn...,
3 define the term wobble mechanism
21  cards
Enzymes I
1 define enzymes,
2 describe the concept of enzyme ...,
3 what are the 4 stages of enzyme...
22  cards
Enzymes II
1 what is the difference between ...,
2 define the term allosteric binding,
3 state one way in which competit...
17  cards
Introduction to Metabolism
1 define metabolism,
2 define catabolism and give two ...,
3 define anabolism and give two e...
16  cards
TCA Cycle
1 where does tca cycle occur and ...,
2 describe the link reaction,
3 reaction 1 condensation reaction
17  cards
Oxidative Phosphorylation
1 3 ways of describing oxidation ...,
2 which part of nicotinamide aden...,
3 which part of flavin adenine di...
22  cards
Glucose Metabolism: Glycogen and Glycolysis
1 brief summary of glucose,
2 brief summary of glycogen,
3 explain the importance of liver...
19  cards
Energy Release From Fat
1 state 3 biological functions of...,
2 state 3 factors that make trigl...,
3 which enzyme is crucial for the...
21  cards
Lipid Synthesis, Fat Storage and Transport
1 what is synthesised due to exce...,
2 which hormone stimulates fatty ...,
3 describe how acetyl coa leaves ...
25  cards
Metals in Biology
1 define the term bacteria leaching,
2 state 4 elements present in mg ...,
3 state 5 6 important uses of met...
24  cards
Liver: Nitrogen and Protein Metabolism
1 what are the uses of amino acids,
2 describe the pathways of dietar...,
3 define protein turnover and wha...
33  cards
Liver: Glucose Homeostasis (gluconeogenesis)
1 why is glucose an important met...,
2 what are the roles of glucose,
3 3 advantages of glucose as a me...
21  cards

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4bby1013 biochemistry

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