This class was created by Brainscape user David Houghton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Ear and Auditory Pathway
The ear can be divided into 3 par...,
The ear can be divided into 3 par...,
The ear can be divided into 3 par...
49  cards
Physiology of Hearing
What are mechanoreceptors,
The normal range of sound that hu...,
Is the inner ear more sensitive t...
44  cards
The Dizzy Patient
Vertigo is typically defined as a...,
When we think if vertigo which of...,
When we think if vertigo which of...
73  cards
Allergic Rhinitis
How long does chronic rhinosinusi...,
Rhinitis inflammation of the lini...,
Which of the following is most ef...
18  cards
Rhinosinusitis also referred to a...,
Rhinosinusitis also referred to a...
31  cards
Tonsillitis is primarily an infec...,
What is the incidence of tonsilli...,
29  cards
Otitis Media
Otitis media is an infection of w...,
3 of the following bones are cont...,
Which bone does the middle bone l...
42  cards
The epiglottis is a soft flap of ...,
The epiglottis is anchored to the...,
Is epiglottitis more commonly see...
16  cards
Otitis externa
Otitis externa commonly referred ...,
Otitis externa commonly referred ...,
Otitis externa can be acute or ch...
24  cards
Nosebleeds are also known as epis...,
In the nose what is the most like...
15  cards
Obstructive sleep apnea
Obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoe...,
Obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoe...,
At what age does the incidence of...
24  cards
Infectious mononucleosis / Glandular Fever
Infectious mononucleosis im also ...,
Infectious mononucleosis im also ...,
Which virus
19  cards
There are 3 stages to swallowing ...,
The oral phase is the first phase...,
The pharyngeal phase is the 2nd p...
16  cards
Sound in our voices is,
Dysphonia is the term used to des...,
Dysphonia is the term used to des...
15  cards
Cholesteatoma is a non cancerous ...,
Cholesteatoma is a non cancerous ...,
Although the exact cause of
9  cards
Otosclerosis is typically a conge...,
Otosclerosis is typically a conge...,
Otosclerosis is typically a conge...
8  cards
Hearing Loss Causes
Presbycusis is a common age relat...,
Presbycusis is a common age relat...,
Presbycusis is a common age relat...
18  cards
Mastoiditis refers to the spread ...,
All of the following is typically...,
Which of the following is not a n...
6  cards
Benign paroxysmall positional vertigo (BPPV)
Benign paroxysmal positional vert...,
Benign paroxysmal positional vert...,
Benign paroxysmal positional vert...
18  cards
Vestibular Neuritis
Vestibular neuritis is a conditio...,
Vestibular neuritis is a conditio...,
Which of the following is not a c...
28  cards
Acoustic neuroma
Acoustic neuromas are tumours of ...,
Acoustic neuromas also called ves...,
Acoustic neuromas also called ves...
18  cards
Menieres disease
Menieres this is a disorder of th...,
Menieres this is a disorder of th...,
Menieres this is a disorder of th...
28  cards
Throat Lumps
Which of the following is typical...,
Which of the following is a malig...,
What is the most common form of m...
20  cards
Throat Conditions
Pharyngeal pouch is pulsion diver...,
Pharyngeal pouch is a sac or pock...,
Which of the following is not a t...
23  cards
Nose Lumps/Conditions
Which 2 of the following are used...,
Polyps are associated with all of...,
Are unilateral or bilateral nasal...
5  cards

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a. block d ent

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