This class was created by Brainscape user Hope ROBERTS. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1.1 - What is cardiovascular disease?
Define single cellular organisms,
Define multi cellular organisms,
Why don t single cellular organis...
42  cards
1.2 - Who is at risk of CVD?
Define risk,
Define probability,
What is a correlation
9  cards
1.3 - Risk factors for CVD
What is the difference between sa...,
What is one monomers of carbohydr...,
What is 2 monomers of carbohydrat...
39  cards
1.4 - Reducing risks of CVD
0  cards
2.1 - The effects of CF on the lungs
What is cystic fibrosis,
Define allele,
What is a recessive allele
89  cards
2.2 - Why is CF mucus so sticky?
What is a peptide bond,
In what sort of reaction do amino...,
What are the 5 functions of proteins
115  cards
2.3 - How does cystic fibrosis affect other body systems?
Which 2 other body systems can cy...,
What is the function of the small...,
What is the role of the pancreas ...
33  cards
2.4 - How is the CFTR protein made?
Define mutation,
What is a small change to an orga...,
What can increase the chance of m...
28  cards
2.5 - What can go wrong with DNA?
What is the process of dna replic...,
What type of replication is dna r...,
What was the method of meselson s...
15  cards
2.6 - How is cystic fibrosis inherited?
What is meant by homozygous dominant,
What does homozygous recessive mean,
What does heterozygous mean
16  cards
3.1 - In the beginning
What is the function of the mitoc...,
What is the function of the nucleus,
What are chromsomes made up of
63  cards
2.7 - Testing for CF
What are the 2 types of embryo sc...,
What is a false positive,
What is a false negative
6  cards
3.2 - From one to many: the cell cycle
0  cards

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a level biology

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