ah chemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Princess Muoneke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Unit 1 topic A
this is the topic that was just physics
14  cards
Unit 1 topic B with the goofy orbitals n stuff
ja very goofy i don't like this so much
25  cards
unit 1 topic C transition metals n' dat
not that bad of a topic i swear
14  cards
Researching chemistry: Practical skill and techniques
How can the rf value be calculated,
What is tlc used for,
How are you able to identify a pu...
29  cards
Researching chemistry: volumetric analysis
How do you prepare a standard sol...,
What is the other way a standard ...,
What are the musts of a primary s...
5  cards
reaction feasability
What are the general principles o...,
Define standard enthalpy of forma...,
Define standard state of a substance
22  cards
What are orders of a reaction use...,
How can the order of a reaction b...,
What step of the reaction determi...
9  cards
chemical equilibrium
A chemical reaction,
What does this capital k represent,
What can the value of the equilib...
24  cards
unit 2 organic chemistry and instrumental analysis
What does molecular orbital theor...,
What is molecular theory used to ...,
What forms when atomic orbitals c...
14  cards
Define isomer,
When do structural isomers occur,
When do stereo isomers occur
11  cards
Why do tertiary halo alkanes reac...
48  cards
experimental determination of structure
What is elemental microanalysis u...,
What can elemental microanalysis ...,
What does an empirical formula show
21  cards
pharmaceutical chemistry
What is a drug,
What are medicines,
What is an agonist
4  cards
molecular orbitals
What can molecular orbital provid...,
When do molecular orbitals form,
What is the number of molecular o...
33  cards

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ah chemistry

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