biology ppq and practicals

This class was created by Brainscape user alannah sell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What do you look for when analyzi...,
What makes sample,
What things could allow hibernation
14  cards
Wider Reading for Essays
What reactions form trna with its...,
What enzyme catalyses the reactio...,
What is required for aminoacyl tr...
31  cards
RP1: Enzymes
How is a control set up in this p...,
What factors impact enzyme activity,
Outline how you would set up a pr...
5  cards
RP2: Mitotic Index
Where can plant cells undergoing ...,
What is the mitotic index,
Outline how to prepare a root tip...
6  cards
RP3: Osmosis
How is a graph used to find conce...,
What happens to the mass of plant...,
What happens to the mass of plant...
8  cards
RP4: Membrane Permeability
What factors impact membrane perm...,
How can beetroot be used to measu...,
Outline the procedure of measurin...
4  cards
RP5: Dissection
How can you ensure you handle a s...,
What should be done after the dis...,
How should label lines be drawn o...
4  cards
RP6: Aseptic Techniques
Why would agar be boiled before u...,
Why would the same volume of cult...,
How would you achieve more accura...
8  cards
RP7: Chromatography
What is the purpose of chromatogr...,
What factors affect the rate of m...,
What is the formula for the rf value
5  cards
What is the function of the enzym...,
What is dcpip,
Why is the plant extract chilled
5  cards
RP9: Respiration
Why would apparatus set up to inv...,
What measurements need to be take...,
What is methylene blue how is it ...
6  cards
RP10: Animal responses
Why might results for living orga...
1  cards
RP11: [glucose]
0  cards
RP12: Effect of Variables on Species
0  cards

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biology ppq and practicals

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