component 1- sec a: the legal system - topic 1 - civil courts and other forms of dispute resolution

This class was created by Brainscape user Max Marshall. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Civil courts and other forms of dispute resolution - jurisdictions, pre-trial procedures, the three tracks (only Jurisdiction)
County court and high court juris...,
High court the high court has thr...,
High court
13  cards
Civil courts and other forms of dispute resolution - Pre-trial procedures
Explain the process of taking a c...,
What legislation introduced pre a...,
The appropriate pre action protoc...
25  cards
Civil courts and other forms of dispute resolution - The three track system
Example question explain the proc...,
The county court and high court a...,
Who proposed the implementation o...
27  cards
Civil courts and other forms of dispute resolution - Appeal routes in Civil cases
Example question explain the civi...,
Appeal routes can either party to...,
Where are appeals generally made
18  cards
Civil courts and other forms of dispute resolution - Employment tribunals and evaluation
Explain how employment tribunals ...,
What are tribunals,
How are tribunals less formal
38  cards
Civil courts and other forms of dispute resolution - ADR (not done eval)
Explain how disputes can be resol...,
What is litigation,
What is adr
31  cards
Criminal courts and Lay people - criminal process; jurisdiction of Mags and Crown court including classification of offences and pre-trial procedures
2  cards
Criminal Courts and Lay People; Jurisdiction of the Mags and Crown Court, including classification of offences and pre-trial procedure
Magistrates courtwhat types of of...,
What are the mags court sentencin...,
What does laspo give the courts
7  cards
Criminal courts and Lay People (same topic as mags jurisdiction) Classification of offences and pre-trial procedure
Explain the pre trial procedures ...,
What are summary offences,
What court are summary offences h...
59  cards
Criminal Courts and Lay People; Appeals and appellate courts
Explain the grounds reasons the d...,
Appeal from the magistrates court
42  cards
Criminal courts and Lay people - Sentencing and court powers: aims, factors and types of sentences for adults
Describe the aims and factors whi...,
The judge is responsible for sent...,
What act or legislation demonstra...
60  cards
Criminal Courts and Lay People - Lay Magistrates and Juries: Qualifications, selection, appointment and magistrates role in criminal cases
Explain the role and work of lay ...,
Lay magistrates introduction what...,
Role or what are lay magistrates ...
40  cards
Criminal Courts and Lay People- Lay magistrates and Juries: qualification, selection, appointment and juries role in criminal cases
Explain what makes someone eligib...,
1 qualifications of juries how ma...,
What are the three qualifications...
100  cards
Criminal Courts and Lay People - Advantages and disadvantages of using juries in criminal cases
Discuss the advantages and disadv...,
Advantages why is the element of ...
13  cards
Legal Personnel - Barristers, solicitors and legal executives: role and the regulation of legal professions - ROLE
Explain the roles of the differen...,
Hen find out the most up to date ...,
Role 1 legal executives where do ...
62  cards
Legal Personnel - Barristers, solicitors and legal executives: role and the regulation of legal professions - REGULATION
Explain how the legal profession ...,
Barristers solicitors and legal e...,
Legal executives regulationwho ar...
37  cards
Legal Personnel - The Judiciary: types and role in civil and criminal courts
Explain the role of judges and th...,
The general role of judges,
Judges have a key role of what
57  cards
Legal Personnel - The separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary
2  cards
Legal Personnel -Evaluation of the judiciary: including the advantages and disadvantage of judicial independence
2  cards

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component 1- sec a: the legal system - topic 1 - civil courts and other forms of dispute resolution

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