criminal procedure

This class was created by Brainscape user Jordan Cole. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Ch. 2 Criminal Procedure & The Constitution (Q1/Midterm)
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the highest authority in ...,
Which portion of the constitution...
32  cards
Ch. 3 The Definition of Searches & Seizures (Q1/Midterm)
What three questions must be addr...,
This is defined as some meaning i...,
Does the 4th amendment apply if a...
38  cards
Ch. 4 Stop & Frisk (Q1/Midterm)
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the purpose of a frisk,
Stops are the intrusive 4th amend...
33  cards
Ch. 5 Seizure of Persons: Arrest (Midterm)
This occurs when a person is offi...,
What are the 3 major differences ...,
Are stops added to your criminal ...
40  cards
Ch. 6 Searches for Evidence (Midterm)
What are the 4 elements of the 4t...,
The requirement states that the p...,
What 2 things must officers annou...
37  cards
Ch. 7 "Special Needs" Searches (Midterm)
What are the 4 common characteris...,
These searches involve examining ...,
What happens to items in containe...
37  cards
Ch. 8 Self-Incrimination (Q2)
What 3 constitutional provisions ...,
At what stage of the criminal pro...,
At what stage of the criminal pro...
44  cards
Ch. 9 Identification Procedures (Q2)
This case introduced due process ...,
What is the difference between a ...,
What 2 elements must defendants p...
21  cards
Ch. 10 The Exclusionary Rule (Q2)
This rule mandates courts to ban ...,
Evidence that proves defendants c...,
Another term for probative eviden...
42  cards
Ch. 11 Other Remedies for Constitutional Violations (Q2)
What are the 3 actions that can b...,
What is the difference between th...,
Why is it so hard to prove police...
40  cards
Ch. 12 Court Proceedings I: Before Trial (FINAL)
0  cards
Ch. 13 Court Proceedings II: Trial & Conviction (FINAL)
0  cards
Ch. 14 After Conviction: Sentencing, Appeals, & Habeas Corpus (FINAL)
0  cards

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criminal procedure

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