geography paper 2 - the uk's evolving human landscape

This class was created by Brainscape user Meriam nesnas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Population Around The UK
What is population density,
What is the urban core,
What is the population density in...
7  cards
How is cornwall the most popular ...,
What s the population in cornwall,
Give some possible issues in corn...
24  cards
London's Rural Fringe
Why may people decide to live in ...,
What are the benefits of living i...,
Where is terling
17  cards
Improving The Sustainability Of London
How cam homes be more sustainable...,
What are london s 6 main issues,
How can transport be changed to m...
8  cards
Olympic Regeneration
What where the areas of reason fo...,
Why was the olympic regeneration ...,
Give a reason for the olympic reg...
7  cards
London's Decline
When did the docklands fall into ...,
What is deindustrialisation,
What is suburbanisation
14  cards
Migration In London
What percentage of migrants go to...,
Give some negatives of migration ...,
Give the positives of migration i...
27  cards
Is There Equality In London?
Describe newham,
How was newham involved in sport,
Where is richmond
14  cards
London's Structure
Describe london s site,
Describe london s trade situation,
What why does london have advanta...
16  cards
Impact Of Globalisation On The Uk
What is globalisation,
Has globalisation been beneficial...,
How are people themselves more gl...
8  cards
The Rise Of The New Economy
Name two new economy jobs,
What is the new economy,
What is the quaternary sector
14  cards
The UKs Employment
What is immigration,
What is emigration,
Where do most arrivals seem to be...
14  cards
Uk's Rural Periphery
What is a rural periphery,
What are the issues with the rura...,
Where is seaford
10  cards

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geography paper 2 - the uk's evolving human landscape

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