grade 11 - business studies

This class was created by Brainscape user Jason Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

TERM 1 Topic1.1 - Influences on business
Define micro environment,
Define market environment,
Define consumers
15  cards
TERM 1 - Topic 1.2 - Challenges of the business environment
Each environment has its own set ...,
Each environment has its own set ...,
Each environment has its own set ...
19  cards
TERM 1 Topic 1.2 - Challenges of the business environment
Name the challenges of globalisat...,
Discuss the challenges of globali...,
Discuss how a business could adap...
8  cards
TERM 1 - Topic 1.3 - Adapting to challenges of the business environments
Explain acquisition,
Explain alliance,
Explain takeovers
21  cards
TERM 1 - Topic 1.4 - Contemporary socio-economic issues
Explain define the following soci...,
Explain define the following inte...,
Explain define the following copy...
35  cards
TERM 1 - Topic 1.5 - Business sectors
Provide an example of the primary...,
What does the primary sector do,
Provide an example of the seconda...
6  cards
TERM 1 Topic 1.6 - Benefit of a company over other forms of ownership
Benefits challenges between the f...,
Benefits challenges between the f...,
Benefits challenges between the f...
6  cards
TERM 2 Topic 2.1 - Creative thinking and problem solving
Name 6 steps of the problem solvi...,
Name 5 steps in the decision maki...,
What are the seven 7 characterist...
35  cards
TERM 2 Topic 2.2 - Stress and crisis management
Name a few ways to manage stress,
What does high stress levels cause,
What do you call the process of e...
13  cards
TERM 2 Topic 2.3 Transformation of a business plan into an action plan
Provide the term of the following...,
Provide the term of the following...,
Name the nine steps of a b u s i ...
31  cards
Term 2 Topic 2.4 - Setting up/starting a business
Provide the term of the following...,
Provide the term of the following...,
Provide the term of the following...
27  cards
Term 2 Topic 2.5 - Professionalism and ethics
Provide a term for the followinga...,
Provide a term for the following,
Provide a term for the following
19  cards
Term 2 Topic 2.6 - Presentation of business information
Name the 3 types of presentation ...,
What type of presentation is the ...,
Explain the process of presenting...
8  cards

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grade 11 - business studies

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