This class was created by Brainscape user Isaac Waterfall. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

KT1 - The Treaty of Versailles
What were the german losses in pe...,
When was the treaty of versailles...,
Who was north schleswig given to
34  cards
KT2 - The League of Nations
How successful was the league of ...,
What did wilson want the league o...,
What did david lloyd george want ...
20  cards
KT3 - The Collapse of Peace by 1939
What was the sudetenland crisis,
What was the munich agreement,
Why could the policy of appeaseme...
12  cards
KT4 - The Cold War
When were the supply lines in ber...,
When was cominform introduced,
When was nato formed
24  cards
KT5 - The Korean War
When was korea separated into nor...,
At which conference was the separ...,
When did north korean troops inva...
11  cards
KT5 - The Cuban Missile Crisis
When did eisenhower authorise to ...,
Russia supplies cuba with arms by...,
Ehrn did kennedy break off diplom...
13  cards
KT5 - The Vietnam War
Why was the tet offensive a turni...,
How many students were involved i...,
When were the anti war protests
30  cards
KQ1 - Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start
When was the spartacist uprising,
Who led the spartacist uprising,
What were the weaknesses of the w...
18  cards
KQ2 - Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934?
What was the 25 point plan,
What went wrong in the munich putsch,
How was hitler s arrest beneficia...
22  cards
KQ3a - How effectively did the Nazis control Germany, 1933-45?
How was architecture used by the ...,
How was art used by the nazis to ...,
How was the 1936 olympics used by...
20  cards
KQ3b - What was it like to live in Nazi Germany?
0  cards

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