history: britain industrialisation & protest

This class was created by Brainscape user esmae smith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Growth Of Banking
What had been established by 1694,
By 1784 how many banks were there...,
In 1797 what were banks given per...
11  cards
Growth Of Industrial Towns And Cities
What happened to industry as a re...,
What was introduced in 1769 and h...,
Because of the high demand of coa...
18  cards
Working Conditions In Urban Areas
Who can the factory be credited to,
What were the few benefits of fac...,
What was the purpose of factory work
14  cards
Living Conditions Inn Urban Areas
What type of housing did britain ...,
What were courtyards,
How much was rent for back houses...
14  cards
1833 Factory Act
What did the 1833 factory act int...,
How was the 1833 factory act enfo...,
What was introduced for those who...
8  cards
Factory Reform 1833-70
What did the 1842 mines act do,
What did the 1844 factory act do,
What did the 1847 factory act do
4  cards
Who Enabled Factory Reform To Take Place??
What were short term committees a...,
By 1833 how many short term commi...,
Who was frances trollope and what...
6  cards
The Changing Nature And Effectiveness Of Industrial Protest
What acts in 1819 ensured a bruta...,
What happened as a result of the ...,
What were self help groups and wh...
8  cards
What was luddism,
What were the long term causes of...,
What were the short term causes o...
9  cards
Swing Riots
When were the swing riots,
What happened in 1830,
What machines did this movement h...
7  cards
10 Hour Movement
When was the 10 hour movement,
What was the drive behind this mo...,
What were their demands used in
5  cards
Reforms Affecting Living Conditions 1848-70
Whose reports influenced reform u...,
How many copies did chadwick s re...,
What was the health of towns asso...
8  cards

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history: britain industrialisation & protest

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