This class was created by Brainscape user Laura Lazzari. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

perinatal medicine
What is perinatal mortality rate,
What is neonatal mortality rate,
What is a neonate
91  cards
Neonatal medicine
What is hypoxic ischaemic encepal...,
What are causes of hie,
When do clinical manifestations o...
99  cards
What is possetting,
What is regurgitation,
What is vomiting
102  cards
Infection and Immunity
How is fever identified 4 weeks,
How is fever identified 4 weeks t...,
What is a fever in a child consid...
114  cards
What is the order of the allergic...,
What are examination findings of ...,
How di you investigate food allergy
10  cards
What is gfr like in infants,
What are three key radiological i...,
What is a dmsa scan
66  cards
What is pathophysiology for ingui...,
Why are premature babies more lik...,
What is the presentation of an in...
36  cards
What are causes of unconjugated p...,
What are causes of conjugated pro...,
How do you determine what kind of...
55  cards
What is genu varum,
What are pathological causes of g...,
What is genu valgum
70  cards
Normal child development
What are the four fields of devel...,
What is the median age,
What is the limit age
23  cards
What is the skin of a newborn coa...,
What is impetigo,
How do you treat impetigo
95  cards
Developmental problems
What is the most common cause of ...,
When do developmental delays usua...,
What is cerebral palsy
27  cards
Respiratory Disorders
What are symptoms of severe respi...,
Explain features of stridor,
Explain features of wheeze
75  cards
Resp 2
What is a wheeze due to,
What are causes for wheeze,
What is bronchiolitis
76  cards
What kind of shunts cause breathl...,
What are the left to right shunts,
What kind of shunts cause cyanosis
75  cards
Laz Nephritic and Nephrotic
What is the key feature of nephrotic,
What is the key feature of nephritic,
What are causes of nephrotic synd...
11  cards
What antibodies occur in t1dm,
What are symptoms of t1dm in a child,
What is the late presentation of ...
72  cards
How can you classify headaches,
What are primary headaches,
What are the secondary headaches
94  cards
What is hb like in neonates,
Why does hb in neonates progressi...,
What are normal hb ranges for neo...
82  cards
What is the mutation in retinobla...,
What syndrome is leukaemia associ...,
What syndrome is glioma associate...
24  cards
Paeds emergencies
What do you give as fluid resus b...,
What do you give as routine maint...,
How much maintenance fluid do you...
33  cards
Paeds New from PassMed
What is the triad in shaking baby...,
What is another word for exomphalos,
What occurs in omphalocele
103  cards
What are risk factors for early o...,
How does bacterial spread in earl...,
How does early onset infection pr...
24  cards
Growth and puberty
What are factors that can influen...,
How do you assess growth in the uk,
When do you correct growth for pr...
24  cards
Maltreatment in children
What is maltreatment,
What is neglect,
What are types of abuse
22  cards
Resp 3
Give 2 examples of saba,
Give 2 examples of an ics,
Give an example of an ltra
28  cards
Henoch Schonein Purpura
What kind of disease is hsp,
Explain the aetiology of hsp,
What is the average age for hsp
22  cards
What do you do in a child 3m pres...,
How do you manage a child 3m comi...,
What are features of pyelo
12  cards
Final FC
What are the three components of ...,
Explain the criteria for eye open...,
Explain the criteria for verbal r...
84  cards
Paeds new
Cx of maternal hypoglycaemia,
Foetal alcohol syndrome presentation,
Which maternal bleeding disorder ...
42  cards

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y5 paediatrics

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