life in the uk test 2023

This class was created by Brainscape user Cindy Liberman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What is the UK?
The uk is made up of which countries,
What is the official name of the ...,
What does great britain refer to
6  cards
Early Britain
What is early britain,
Where is stonehenge located,
What is skara brae on orkney
26  cards
The Middle Ages
When was the middle ages,
Were the middle ages peaceful,
What was the hundred years war
12  cards
The Tudors and the Stuarts
How was the church of england est...,
What was the reformation,
When did the protestants form the...
15  cards
Constitutional Monarch - Bill of Rights
What and when was the bill of rights,
How often does a new parliament n...,
What happened in scotland that le...
12  cards
The 20th Century Britain
What caused the first world war,
Who was involved in the first wor...,
Who wont the first world war when
9  cards
Britain since 1945
How was the welfare state establi...,
How did life change in britain in...,
Major british inventions of the 2...
8  cards
The UK Today
What is the population of the uk,
Name major cities in the uk,
True false northern ireland and s...
8  cards
What religions are practiced in t...,
What is the established church in...,
What religions are practiced in t...
9  cards
Customs and Traditions
When is easter and what does it c...,
When is lent,
When is bonfire night what is it
5  cards
Sport, Art, Culture, Leisure
What are the most popular sports ...,
Major arts events,
How are arts and culture achievem...
6  cards
The UK Government, the Law and Your Role
What is a constitution,
How does one become a member of t...,
True false the house of commons c...
17  cards
Who mapped the coast of australia,
Which british sportsman won 5 con...,
What is cenotaph
152  cards
Life in the UK Test (App)
0  cards

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life in the uk test 2023

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