This class was created by Brainscape user Rand Al-Badoosh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

X yn z,
13  cards
lipids synthesis
How long can fa be made,
Where does palmiate synthesis tak...,
What creates the palmitate fa
41  cards
lipids synth- pt2
What is elevated haptic scd1 asso...,
What is whole body scd1 activity ...,
Excess scd1 activity and tumors
20  cards
PS, PI, and PG synth and fn
What does ps mean,
Ps accounts for _ of the total ps...,
What are the precursors for ps synth
37  cards
PS, PI, and PG pt 2
What are ehter linked lipids,
Ether linked lipids structure,
Absence of ether linked lipids
34  cards
intro to sphignolipids and lipid rafts
How do sphignolipids differ from ...,
How are sphignolipids similar to ...,
What are the functions of sphigno...
36  cards
What are lipoproteins,
What is the structure of a lipopr...,
What are the classes of lipoproteins
47  cards
assembly of HDL
What is an initial step involved ...,
What are essential things for the...,
What is the major protein compone...
67  cards
LDL receptor
What binds to the ldlr,
How does apob100 bind to the ldlr,
What is the ldl type a domain
42  cards
Cholesterol efflux and reverse cholesterol transport assays in vivo
Rct including cholesterol efflux ...,
Cholesterol efflux in vivo involves,
Summary of cholesterol effluxand ...
30  cards
What does ome mean,
What does genome mean,
What is genomics
50  cards
lipidomics pt.2
What kind of ionizing method is esi,
What is tandem esi ms,
What is tandem esi ms important for
16  cards
What is the same bw rct and chole...,
What happens to macrophages in a ...,
What is studied over the 48 hrs i...
18  cards

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