movement science

This class was created by Brainscape user sophia carrasco. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

LECTURE 1- biomechanical applications to joint structures and fucntions
What is the displacement or motio...,
What type of displacement is tran...,
What type of displacement is rotary
69  cards
LECTURE 2: joing structure and muscle function
What states bones will adapt base...,
T f tissue properties and joint s...,
What joined together by fibrous i...
108  cards
LECTURE 3- the vertebral column
How many intervertebral disk do w...,
How many vertebrae do we have,
What is teh roof to protect the sc
105  cards
What are the main 2 articular str...,
Other bones contributing to the t...,
What forms the 2 tmjs
81  cards
LECTURE 4: posture
What is defined as orientation or...,
Where should the com and log be m...,
What is defined as process by whi...
52  cards
muscles for test 1:
What do the traps do uni and bila...,
What does the levator muscles for,
What kind of cross section and mo...
27  cards
Force is directly proportional to...,
What is the number for gravity,
A force is named by the
53  cards
lecture 6: the shoulder complex
What is the shoulder complex made...,
What are the 4 joints that make u...,
How much motion of the shoulder c...
128  cards
muscles of the shoulder (test 2)
What shoulder muscle is the prima...,
The anterior and middle delt work...,
The length tension of the deltoid...
18  cards
the elbow complex (test 2)
What joints makes up the elbow co...,
The elbow joint is a ____ joint w...,
What plane does the elbow joint m...
100  cards
muscles of the elbow (2)
What type of muscle is the brachi...,
When is the moment arm the greate...,
28  cards
wrist complex (test 2)
What makes up the wrist complex,
The wrist complex is a ___ compou...,
The wrist complex contributes to ...
175  cards
wrist muscles
Does the palmaris longus provide ...,
Flexor carpi radialis is active d...,
What carpal bone increase the ma ...
20  cards

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movement science

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