This class was created by Brainscape user Zoe Doak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (70)

Adhesive Capsulitis
Common demographic,
What condition is associated with...,
Which shoulder movement is most a...
9  cards
ANCA vasculitis
What does anca stand for,
Give examples of small vessel anc...,
Anca associated vasculitis is mor...
16  cards
Ankle Injury Ottawa Rules
Ottawa ankle rules which indicate...
1  cards
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Hla association,
Typical patient presenting with a...,
Common symptoms
12  cards
Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Is antiphospholipid syndrome cong...,
3 characteristic features of anti...,
Antiphospholipid syndrome may occ...
7  cards
AVN of Hip
What is avascular necrosis,
Where does avn most commonly affect,
Causes of avn
8  cards
Describe how azathioprine works,
Test used to check if individuals...,
Adverse effects of azathioprine
6  cards
Behcet's syndrome
What is behcet s syndrome,
Classic triad in behcet s,
Common demographics for behcet s
6  cards
Describe how bisphosphonates work,
What are bisphosphonates used to ...,
Adverse effects of bisphosphonates
6  cards
Bone disorders
Calcium normal phosphate normalal...,
Calcium lowphosphate lowalp highp...,
Calcium highphosphate lowalp high...
6  cards
Bone tumours
Benign overgrowth of bone most ty...,
Most common benign bone tumourmor...,
Tumour of multinucleated giant ce...
8  cards
Carpal Tunnel
Describe the mechanism by which p...,
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrom...,
Findings on examination in carpal...
9  cards
Chronic Fatigue syndrome
After how long can chronic fatigu...,
In which gender is chronic fatigu...,
Other recognised features of chro...
6  cards
Cubital Tunnel
Mechanism of pain in cubital tunn...,
Clinical features of cubital tunnel,
Investigations for cubital tunnel
5  cards
De Quervains Tenosynovitis
What is de quervains tenosynovitis,
Demographic typically affected,
Clinical features of de quervains
5  cards
Mechanism of action of denosumab,
How is denosumab given and how often,
When is denosumab used in osteopo...
5  cards
What is dermatomyositis,
Causes of dermatomyositis,
Name the variant of the disease w...
11  cards
Discoid Lupus
What is discoid lupus,
Typical demographic,
A small percentage of patients wi...
6  cards
Drug induced lupus
What body systems are not commonl...,
Clinical features of drug induced...,
Clinical features of drug induced...
7  cards
Ehlers Danlos
Disorder of which type of collagen,
What does the type iii collagen d...
5  cards
Elbow pain
Pain and tenderness localised to ...,
Pain and tenderness localised to ...,
Most commonly due to compression ...
6  cards
Extractable nuclear antigens
Anti ro,
Anti la,
Anti jo1
6  cards
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Familial mediterranean fever is a...,
At what age does fmf typically pr...,
In what countries is fmf more common
6  cards
Typical demographic in fibromyalgia,
Clinical features of fibromyalgia,
In fibromyalgia patients are usua...
5  cards
What is gout,
What causes gout,
What drugs can cause gout
30  cards
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
Grater trochanteric pain syndrome...,
Clinical symptoms,
What causes the pain felt in troc...
4  cards
Hip pain in adults
Pain exacerbated by exercise and ...,
Pain in the morningsystemic featu...,
Femoral nerve compression may cau...
8  cards
Hip problems in children
Often picked up on newborn examin...,
Typical age group 2 10 yearsacute...,
Degenerative condition affecting ...
7  cards
What is hydroxychloroquine common...,
Adverse effect of hydroxychloroqu...,
Hydroxychloroquine may be used if...
4  cards
Iliopsoas abscess
What is an iliopsoas abscess,
Primary cause of iliopsoas abscess,
In an iliopsoas abscess caused by...
10  cards
Knee problems
Key features softening of the car...,
Seen in sporty teenagerspain tend...,
Pain after exerciseintermittent s...
7  cards
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
What is langerhans cell histiocyt...,
When does lch typically present,
Clinical features in lch
6  cards
Lateral epicondylitis
Age group typically affected,
Does lateral epicondylitis tennis...,
Clinical features of lateral epic...
6  cards
What type of drug is leflunomide ...,
For how long should patients rema...,
In what patients should leflunomi...
6  cards
Lower back pain + prolapsed discs
Red flags for lower back pain,
Gradual onsetunilateral or bilate...,
Typically a young man who present...
12  cards
Lumbar spinal stenosis
What causes lumbar spinal stenosis,
Presentation of lumbar spinal ste...,
How can you differentiate lumbar ...
6  cards
Marfan's syndrome
Genetic component,
Describe the physical manifestati...
8  cards
McArdle's disease
What is mcardles disease,
Features of mcardles
4  cards
Meralgia paraesthetica
What is meralgia paraesthetica,
Causes of merl,
Is the lateral femoral cutaneous ...
12  cards
Mechanism of action,
Indications for the use of methot...,
Adverse effects
12  cards
Mycophenolate mofetil
Mechanism of action,
Which cells rely on the purine sy...,
3  cards
Symptoms common to most myopathies,
Inflammatory myopathy,
Inherited myopathy
5  cards
Mixed connective tissue disease
Mixed connective tissue disease d...,
Antibodies found in mixed connect...,
Typical demographic
13  cards
Explain the changes to cartilage ...,
Typical demographic,
The presence of hand oa increases...
12  cards
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Disorder in which type of collagen,
Features of osteogenesis imperfecta
6  cards
What is osteomalacia,
What is osteomalacia called when ...,
Causes of osteomalacia
8  cards
2 types of osteomyelitis,
Risk factors for haematogeneous o...,
Risk factors for non haematogeneo...
8  cards
What is osteopetrosis,
Describe the pattern of calcium p...,
Potential treatments
3  cards
Typical demographic,
Major risk factors for osteoporosis,
Other non major risk factors
23  cards
Cause of paget s disease,
Which bones are most commonly aff...,
Predisposing factors
13  cards
Polyarteritis nodosa
What is polyarteritis nodosa,
Typical demographic,
Clinical features
5  cards
polymyalgia rheumatica
Typical age of patient,
Timing of onset,
Clinical features
6  cards
What is polymyositis,
What cells mediate the inflammati...,
Thought to be a t cell mediated c...
9  cards
What crystals are seen in pseudogout,
Risk factors for developing pseud...,
Which joints are most commonly af...
7  cards
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
Characteristic feature,
Clinical features
4  cards
Psoriatic arthropathy
Is psoriatic arthritis seropositi...,
Psoriatic arthritis can precede t...,
Pattern of joint involvement
8  cards
Reactive arthritis
Hla association,
Reactive arthritis encompasses re...,
In reactive arthritis the causati...
10  cards
Raynaud's phenomenon
What is raynauds phenomenon,
Typical demographic,
Secondary causes of raynauds phen...
5  cards
Relapsing polychondritis
What is relapsing polychondritis,
Where is most commonly affected,
Key features
6  cards
Rheumatoid arthritis
Respiratory manifaestations of ra,
Ocular manifestations of ra,
Complications associated with ra
37  cards
Rotator cuff muscles
Name the 4 rotator cuff muscles,
Abducts arm before deltoidmost co...,
Rotates arm laterally
6  cards
Septic arthritis in adults
Most common organism causing sept...,
Most common organism causing sept...,
Most common cause of septic arthr...
8  cards
Sjogren's syndrome
Sjogrens is an autoimmune conditi...,
What conditions can cause seconda...,
How long does it take for seconda...
10  cards
Still's disease in adults
Bimodal age distribution,
Clinical features,
Elevated blood test
6  cards
Indications for the use of sulfas...,
Mechanism of action,
What conditions would cause you t...
6  cards
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Typical demographic,
What type of hypersensitivity rea...,
Hla associations
17  cards
Systemic sclerosis
Characteristic feature of systemi...,
Female male ratio,
3 patterns of systemic sclerosis
10  cards
Temporal arteritis
Size of vessels affected,
Age normally affected,
Overlap with which other condition
10  cards
Tumour necrosis factor
What is tnf and what cell secrete...,
Acts of tnf on the immune system,
What receptors does tnf alpha bin...
7  cards
Vitamin D supplementation
What groups should be taking vita...,
When is vitamin d deficiency test...,
Patients with osteoporosis should...
4  cards

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mrcp rheumatology

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