This class was created by Brainscape user Chrissy Carmody. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What are the jnc blood pressure g...,
What are the acc aha blood pressu...,
Define blood pressure including s...
15  cards
What is type 1 diabetes,
What is type 2 diabetes,
What is gestational diabetes
20  cards
Cardiovascular Disease: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) & Heart Attack
What is coronary artery disease,
What is a heart attack,
What is an arrhythmia
13  cards
Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is said to exi...,
What is metabolic syndrome,
How is ms diagnosed
7  cards
Biometrics and Obesity
What is a healthy bmi,
What bmi range is considered over...,
What bmi is classified as obese
11  cards
TTM Stages of Change
Pre contemplation,
6  cards
Motivational Interviewing
What is ambivalence,
What is motivational interviewing,
What are reflections
11  cards
Physical Activity Guidelines
What are the benefits of physical...,
Hhs physical activity guidelines ...,
Acsm position stand of individual...
9  cards
What is cholesterol,
What is hdl cholesterol,
What is ldl cholesterol
11  cards
Inflammation and Arthritis
What causes acute inflammation,
What causes chronic inflammation,
Inflammatory diets are associated...
12  cards
Self determination theory,
Social cognitive theory social le...,
Self discovery describe what deci...
14  cards
CVD: Stroke
What are the 3 types of stroke,
What are modifiable risk factors ...,
What are non modifiable risk fact...
4  cards
What chronic diseases is insuffic...,
What are tips for getting better ...,
What are some common sleep disorders
5  cards
What does h,
What is the purpose of hipaa,
What are the hipaa administrative...
9  cards
Grow model for coaching,
Epe aka respectful informing,
Agenda mapping
8  cards

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nbhwc exam

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