This class was created by Brainscape user Dory Doo M.. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

patient assessment
Parts of ortho pt assessment,
C o,
Aspects of mh that can affect ortho
75  cards
ortho radiology
What are x rays
90  cards
class III malocclusion
Definition of class 3 malocclusion,
Which continent has a higher inci...
57  cards
class 2 div 1 malocclusion
Why treat
51  cards
class II div 2 malocclusion
Broad etiological features
30  cards
adult orthodontics
Characteristics of pts seeking tx,
Why do adults seek tx,
Differences compared to children
23  cards
Use a word to describe the aetiol...,
What type tends to have a dental ...,
What does cp tend to affect rathe...
44  cards
fixed appliances
Advantages of fixed appliances,
Disadvantages of fixed appliances
80  cards
Severe hypodontia oligodontia
40  cards
risks and benefits of ortho tx
Improvement in function,
Iotn dhc
58  cards
oral surgery and orthodontics
Soft tissue pathology,
Soft tissue pathology frenums,
Soft tissue pathology impacted ca...
33  cards
ortho emergencies scenarios
Southend clasp fracture just near...,
Southend clasp fracture just near...,
Debonded fixed retainer fixable
17  cards
unerupted maxillary incisors
Tx options,
Tx options accept,
Tx options bring central into lin...
16  cards
ortho lab - session 1
What is a tpa constructed in,
How is a tpa normally attached to...,
Why doesn t a tpa touch the palate
23  cards
unerupted ectopic canines
Tx options if buccally displaced,
Aetiology possible causative factors
15  cards
3rd year labs
Appliance design ura to retract b...,
Appliance design ura to correct a...,
Appliance design ura to retract 1...
85  cards
3rd year lectures key points
Ap class 1,
Ap class 2,
Ap class 3
226  cards
extra PP stuff
Most common tooth to be infra occ...,
Uses of a ura,
Class 2 div 1 soft tissue features
12  cards
IOTN key points
37  cards
ortho learn
Iotn grade 5 order and components,
Iotn grade 4 order,
Iotn 3f
52  cards
Interceptive ortho 2 - late mixed dentition
What is a ura design to correct a...,
What is the digit habit management,
Why should you treat a digit habi...
35  cards
Normal dental development, Tooth eruption and Interceptive ortho
At birth what are the characteris...,
What is the eruption pattern of d...,
What are the characteristics of d...
50  cards

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