This class was created by Brainscape user mollie griffin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

skeletal system
What are the six main functions o...,
What are the three bone types,
What are the bones in the arms
8  cards
muscular system
What are the muscles in the legs ...,
What are the muscles in the arms ...,
What are the muscles in the rest ...
6  cards
cardiovascular system
What are the three main types of ...,
What is the pathway of blood,
What is diastole and systole
7  cards
respiratory system
What is the structure of the resp...,
What is the process of inspiratio...,
How is the process of gaseous exc...
8  cards
aerobic and anaerobic exercise
What is the equation of aerobic e...,
What are the requirements and equ...
2  cards
effects of exercise
What are the short term effects o...,
What are the immediate effects of...,
What are the long term effects of...
3  cards
lever systems
What is the order and positions o...,
What is the order and positions o...,
What is the order and positions o...
5  cards
planes and axis
Which is the saggital plane,
Which is the transverse plane,
Which is the frontal plane
6  cards
components of fitness
What is health,
What is fitness,
What is cardio vascular endurance
15  cards
fitness testing
What is the test for coordination,
What is the test for flexibility,
What is the test for reaction time
12  cards
principles of training
What is specificity,
What is progressive overload,
What is reversibility
5  cards
training target zones
What is the maximum heart rate eq...,
What is the aerobic training zone,
What is the anaerobic target zone
3  cards
preventing injuries
What are six ways of preventing i...,
What are five ways to prevent inj...
2  cards
learning skills
What is a skill,
What is an ability,
What is a basic skill
10  cards
goal setting
What is a performance goal,
What is an outcome goal,
What does smart stand for
3  cards
guidance and feedback
What are the four types of guidance,
What os knowledge of performance,
What is knowledge of results
4  cards
mental preparation
What are the four methods of ment...
1  cards
emotion and personality
What is intrinsic motivation,
What is extrinsic motivation,
What is direct aggression
4  cards
infuences on participation
What are seven influences to part...
1  cards
commercialisation of sport
Which three things make up the go...,
What are two negatives about spon...
2  cards
technology in sport
What are the advantages of techno...,
What are the disadvantages of tec...,
What are the advantages of techno...
4  cards
sporting behaviour
What is sportsmanship,
What is contract to compete,
What is etiquette
4  cards
performance-enhancing drugs
What do beta blockers do and thei...,
What do diurectics do and the sid...,
What do narcotic analgesics do an...
7  cards
spectator behaviour
What is hooliganism,
Why does hooliganism happen,
What are the methods of preventio...
3  cards
health, fitness and well-being
What is physical health,
What is emotional health,
What is social healtg
3  cards
sedentary lifestyle
What is a sedentary lifestyle,
What can a sedentary lifestyle cause,
What are the problems of obesity
4  cards
diet and nutrition
What is a balanced diet,
What are the percentages of nutri...,
What are carbohydrates for
13  cards
What are the three somatotypes,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...
4  cards

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