sociology education

This class was created by Brainscape user Faduma Sharif. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Material deprivation.
What does lack of financial suppo...,
What does david bull 1980 say,
What does emily tanner eat al 200...
12  cards
cultural capital
What did bourdieu argue,
What does capital refer to,
What does the term cultural capit...
10  cards
Internal factors
What do studies show,
What does howard becker 1971 say,
34  cards
Cultural Deprivation
What does the longitudinal stud o...,
What are the three main types,
Why is language essential
22  cards
External Factors / Ethnicity
What are the three types of inade...,
What do cultural deprivation is a...,
How do engleman et al language sp...
22  cards
Internal Factors Labelling
What did gilborn and mirza find,
How does this criticise cultural ...,
What did gilborn and youdell find...
22  cards
Functions Of Education
Davis and moore
9  cards
Gender External
How does feminism impact girls ac...,
What are the changes in the family,
How does this affect girls education
9  cards
Gender Internal
How has feminism created equal op...,
What are some policies that encou...,
What does boalwr see the impact o...
17  cards
identity, class and girls achievement
What does archer state about work...,
What were the strategies created ...,
What is the hyper hetrosexual fei...
10  cards
Boys and achievement
What does the dcsf 2007 say,
What did mitsos and browne claim ...,
What does sewell say about the fe...
12  cards
gender and subject choice
As and a levels,
What did the institute of physics...,
Gender role socialisation in scho...
9  cards

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sociology education

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