This class was created by Brainscape user Oliver Wroe Wright. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Rhoton's I
500  cards
Rhoton's II
486  cards
250  cards
Peripheral Nerves
Radial nerve origins,
Radial nerve anatomy in upper arm,
Muscles supplied by proximal bran...
242  cards
3 principle motor functions of ce...,
From which emrbyological precurso...,
What are the three principle lobe...
142  cards
Bony Anatomy
47  cards
Spinal Anatomy
Number of sc segments,
Number of cervical nerves,
Origin of c1
278  cards
Cranial nerves
Crnial nerve 0,
Function of nervus terminalis,
Components of the nuclei for cns ...
365  cards
Ventricular System
From what is the choroid plexus f...,
From what is the choroid plexus f...,
How does choroid plexus functiona...
150  cards
Number of brodman areas,
6 layers of cerebral cortex,
Agranular cortex
507  cards
CNS Blood Supply
What proportion of co is received...,
Describe the intracranial course ...,
Which artery supplies the neurohy...
481  cards
Components of diencephalon,
Internal medullary lamina divides...,
Divisions of lateral thalamus
157  cards
Etymology of pia,
Etymology of mater,
28  cards
Basal Ganglia
Why is basal ganglia a misnomer,
What constitutes the lentiform nu...,
In which section of the sn is the...
41  cards
Visual System
Posterior ino of lutz,
Categories of eye movement,
Types of conjugate eye movement
118  cards
Overview and Embryology
Efferent neurone columns,
Arrangement of efferent cell colu...,
Afferent neurone columns
166  cards
Auditory + Vestibular System
Components of external ear,
What separates the outer ear from...,
What are the three main chambers ...
98  cards
Neurosurgical Anatomy
Surface anatomy of the pterion,
Which bones contribute to the pte...,
Def asterion
260  cards
CNS Blood Supply COPY
What proportion of co is received...,
Describe the intracranial course ...,
Which artery supplies the neurohy...
435  cards
Visual System COPY
Posterior ino of lutz,
Categories of eye movement,
Types of conjugate eye movement
118  cards
Ventricular System COPY
From what is the choroid plexus f...,
From what is the choroid plexus f...,
How does choroid plexus functiona...
143  cards
Overview and Embryology COPY
Efferent neurone columns,
Arrangement of efferent cell colu...,
Afferent neurone columns
166  cards
Cranial nerves COPY
Crnial nerve 0,
Function of nervus terminalis,
Components of the nuclei for cns ...
363  cards
Peripheral Nerves COPY
Radial nerve origins,
Radial nerve anatomy in upper arm,
Muscles supplied by proximal bran...
242  cards
Rhoton's I COPY
500  cards

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nsx neuroanatomy

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