This class was created by Brainscape user Jack Collins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Com Law
What are the priveleges of an atc...,
What three reasons may lead to ac...,
What are the requirements for a f...
32  cards
Mats 2
What is the icao indicator for avon,
What is the aerodrome elevation o...,
What are the physical dimensions ...
102  cards
What is the aerodrome traffic cir...,
What is a runway holding position,
What is the manoeuvring area
213  cards
What is the civil vhf comms spectrum,
What is the doc,
What factors can affect the doc o...
23  cards
What is the readability scale,
According to sera 3210 who has pr...
2  cards
When is wake turbulence separatio...,
What are the wake turbulence sepa...,
What are the wake turbulence sepa...
107  cards
Name types of precision approaches,
Name types of non precision appro...,
Define a precision approach
15  cards
When do we pass the instant wind,
What considerations are there reg...,
What are lvos
15  cards
Define a birdstrike,
What are the principles of bird c...,
What would the ideal dispersal sy...
4  cards
What is asmgcs,
When can you use asmgcs,
What are the four levels of asmgcs
13  cards
What are the categories of emergency,
What do we do in the event of an ...,
What do we do in the event of an ...
160  cards
MATS 1 sect 1
What are the suite of fis in the uk,
What is an ats,
To whom do we provide an air traf...
203  cards
MATS 1 sect 2
What services does an aerodrome c...,
What are the objectives of aerodr...,
What are the additional specific ...
95  cards
UK Lessons
What is the alcohol limit for,
What is the alcohol limit for,
What is the alcohol limit for a u...
105  cards

More about
uk adi eu340

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Jack Collins's UK ADI EU340 flashcards for their CTC class now!

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