This class was created by Brainscape user Sanjana Shaunak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Skin infection and infestation
What normally protects the skin f...,
Why does skin damage lead to infe...,
What are the 3 main types of skin...
27  cards
Impetigo, folliculitis and cellulitis
What is cellulitis,
How does erysipelas differ to cel...,
Causes of cellulitis
19  cards
Viral: HSV, chicken pox, shingles, viral warts, molluscum contaginosum
What is shingles,
Rf for shingles,
What are the most commonly affect...
26  cards
Fungal: dermatophytosis, candidacies
In which pts can fungal infection...,
What are the 3 main types of,
Describe and diagnose
12  cards
Parasitic: scabies, lice infection
What is this,
Causative organism in scabies,
Rf for scabies
17  cards
What is eczema,
Epidemiology of eczema,
Rf for eczema
8  cards
Acne vulgaris
How do you manage comedonal acne,
Side effects of topical retinoids,
Management of mild moderate papul...
23  cards
What are complications of psorias...,
Basis of psoriasis treatment,
Topical treatment examples for ps...
30  cards
Allergic rashes and urticaria
Causes of an allergic reaction,
What is urticaria,
Presentation of an allergic reaction
13  cards
Melanocytic lesions
What are the 4 main types of mali...,
What are the main diagnostic feat...,
What is the treatment for maligna...
20  cards
Pigmented lesions
What are seborrhoeic warts seborr...,
Presentation of,
Common sites for
35  cards
Where are bccs commonly found,
Growth of bcc fast slow,
Do bcc metastasise
25  cards
Necrotising fasciitis
What is necrotising fasciitis,
Classifications of necrotising fa...,
Most common type of necrotising f...
9  cards
Staph scalded skin syndrome
What is staphylococcal scalded sk...,
Cause of ssss,
Epidemiology of ssss
12  cards
Blistering conditions
What is bullous pemphigoid,
Cause of bullous pemphigoid,
Presentation of bullous pemphigoid
9  cards
Lichen planus
Common sites for lichen planus,
Describe lichen planus lesions,
Associated features of lichen planus
6  cards
What is erythema ab igne,
Features of rosacea,
Management of rosacea
5  cards

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year 4 derm

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