Since you have been using Brainscape as an aspiring medical or nursing student, we thought you might be interested in some great online medical flashcards that could be helpful for your classes.
Brainscape's medical and nursing flashcards are specifically designed for time-stretched students who want to know what's vital to pass their exams and become a good nurse or doctor. Whether you’re studying to become an MD or RN (or any other health professions) these intelligent flashcards have been created by some of the world’s top students and professors across various medical disciplines.
[Check out 'How to study in medical school with Brainscape' to get the very most out of our adaptive learning platform!]

Medical flashcards for you
In addition to Brainscape's premium USMLE Step 1 flashcards, you can browse our individual subjects below to find which great content is available to you medical students out there:
- Anatomy
- Body Systems
- Dentistry
- Medical Courses & Subject Areas
- Medical Exams
- Medical Subspecialties
- Medical Terminology
- Misc Healthcare Topics
- Nursing Courses & Subject Areas
- Nursing Subspecialties
- Other Healthcare Fields
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
- Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging
- Veterinary
- And more
And that’s just a start! If you're looking for more specific subject areas, here are just a few examples of what is available:
- Epidemiology
- Medical Terminology
- Biochemistry
- Nutrition
- Genetics
- and a ton more ... !
We are continuously updating these cards and adding new subjects to keep up with the changes in medical science. If you don't see a topic on this list, then make sure you search for it in our Marketplace.
Fun fact! You can also make your own flashcards in Brainscape and study them for free. Share your cards with friends and classmates.
Resources to help you pass the NCLEX and nail it at nursing school

Looking to pass the NCLEX? We've got you. We don't just have a comprehensive set of mobile NCLEX RN flashcards (or NCLEX PN flashcards) to help you learn everything, we also have a ton of great articles to help you learn efficiently and make the most out of nursing school. Check them out:
- How to study for the NCLEX more efficiently
- How to study medications for the NCLEX
- The best way to use NCLEX practice questions
- Does it matter which nursing school you attend?
- The #1 habit to succeed in nursing school
Acing the MCAT and surviving med school
We're also here to help out all the aspiring med students. In addition to the best MCAT flashcards on the market, we've compiled a set of resources to help you both get into—and get the most out of—medical school:
- MCAT study groups: your secret weapon
- How to set your MCAT study schedule
- How to manage MCAT stress
- Should pre-med students fear organic chemistry?
- Top med school admission tips
- Is medical school hard? Students say these are the hardest parts
- The #1 habit to succeed in medical school
- How to survive the first year of medical school
- Top 13 apps for medical students
Succeeding in your healthcare career
We know medical and nursing students have so much to study and want to use their study time as well as they can. There are only 24 hours in a day after all.
And remember, for the most efficient way to study, head back to Brainscape.
Here’s to easy studying!