Exam Prep

Key Test Prep Tips for Any Student.

The top tips, tricks, and hacks to help you prepare for your next test or exam, whether biology or the bar.

Test and Exam Prep Tips for Students

In addition to the thousands of subjects for which Brainscape users have created flashcards, we've also worked closely with subject-matter experts to curate the world's most comprehensive, up-to-date collections of "Brainscape-certified" flashcards for dozens of key exams. And for those exams, we’ve also compiled the world's best study advice and test prep tips to help you crush it on exam day (whether you’re a Brainscape user or not :)

We’d wish you "luck" on your exams, although with this formidable arsenal of advice at your fingertips, you’re probably not gonna need it!

Entrance Exams

Professional Certifications