Broken Flashcards


Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired

What it is?

How was it broken?

Why do you remember it? And how do you feel about it?


What it is?

Last year while working I damaged my laptop. Although it was not my fault, I had to pay for its repair.

How was it broken?

Due to the Corona Pandemic, our nation was in a state of lockdown. And I did not have any other option but to work from home.

At home, we have the comfort of doing our office and study work on the bed. As I do the bulk of my work on my laptop. I started using it on my bed. And one day, my brother had sat on my laptop lying on the bed, and he broke it.

Why do you remember it? And how do you feel about it?

As the administration had closed the shops due to lockdown, getting the laptop repaired was a daunting task for me. I had decided to look for a vendor working from home.

After making numerous calls and running from pillar to post, I had managed to find a laptop repairing expert. Luckily he was staying close to my residence.

After toiling hard for three hours, he repaired it. I had to shell out 5,000 Rs from my pocket for its repair.

After getting the laptop back in working condition, I had a sigh of relief. Although it works fine, the marks of the damage are still visible. Due to this reason, I still remember it.

I have decided to replace the outer body of the laptop so that it doesn’t look damaged.

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