bacteremia Flashcards
presence of viable bacteria in the bloodstream
innate immune response
bloodstream infection ( bacteremia leading to sepsis)
innate immune response failure
anatomic lesions
turbulent cardiac blood flow
foreign material in the body
CAP most common site of bacteria origin
respiratory tract
urinary tract
intraabdominal infections
CAP most frequent isolated pathogens
s. aureus
Intravascular catheter- related blood stream infections
short term <14 days
long term > 14 days
peripheral venous catheter
inserted into the veins of the forearm or the hand
short term
peripheral arterial catheter
monitor hemodynamic status
determine blood gas levels of critically ill patients
short term CVC
most common
majority pf all catheter related blood stream infections
Long term CVC
surgically implanted CVC (hickman)
provide vascular access to patients
catheter colonization
significant growth of >+ 1 microorganism in a quantitative or semiquantiive culture of the catheter tip, subcutaneous cath segment, or cath hub
cath related
bacteriemia or fungemia in a patient who has an intravascular device and > 1 positive blood culture result obtained from the peripheral vein, clinical manifestation of infection, and no apparent source for bloodstream infection
where does the does the INTravascular CRBSI emanate from?
hub, insertion site or both
persutaneoulsy inserted, non cuff catheters
Enteric gram neg bacilli
surgically implanted and peripheral inserted CVC
enteric gram neg bacili
p. aeruginosa
short term cvc or AC
mild/ mod ill (no hypotension/ organ failure)
no fever= remove CVC and AC, culture tip and insert at new site
blood cx, 2 sets –> consider antimicrobial