3.2 Interpretation of the Bible Flashcards


What do Catholics believe about the Bible and how can it be interpreted


Catholics believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, written by human writers, God is however the primary author meaning there is truth in the messages of the Bible
Some Christians believe in literal interpretation, it is word for word true without error. If there are contradictions there is a reason for this and if it contradicts science then science is wrong.
Some liberal Christians believe the Bible was written by humans that have been inspired like any other author making some parts outdated/inaccurate or irrelevant. There are spiritual, not literal truths and the Bible contains symbolism which may lead to different beliefs.
For Catholics, they should read the Bible in a prayerful way, not taking any of it out of context. It is a source of guidance and comfort in times of need and is interpreted by the Magisterium to help understand it fully.
Today their interpretation of the Bible means many Catholics do not take Genesis creation literally and accept scientific explanations

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