3-21 Flashcards


Personel conducting roof operations shall.(list 10)


1- Provide an alternate means of emergency escape to the initial route of access
2- Conduct a Haz Risk Analysis that may include
——-The determination of the type of roof const.
——-The location of the fire
——-The length of time the structure has been burning as it impacts on building integrity and the existence of heavy objects, such as HVAC units
3- Wear appropriate PPE and bring required equip as per the Haz Risk analysis
4- Keep the number of personnel on the roof to the minimum necessary to complete the task
5- Take reasonable precautions where personal are at risk of falling off or through a roof.
6- Remain cognizant of wind direction and approach from upwind when possible
7- Sound the path of travel when operating on a roof
8- Coordinate roof ventilation with interior personnel
9- Avoid cutting holes on steel commercial roofs with widely spaced trusses. Extreme caution must be observed if this is performed due to the potential of the roof sagging and personnel falling into the hole
10- Ensure that once roof operations are finished, all personnel exit the roof promptly.

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