Early Pregnancy Problems Flashcards
Define a spontaneous miscarriage. (2)
Fetal death or stillbirth before 24 weeks gestation
Define a threatened miscarriage. (2)
Some bleeding but fetes is alive, uterus is expected size and os is closed. 25% will go on to miscarry
Define an inevitable miscarriage. (2)
Heavy bleeding, fetus my still be alive but os is open and miscarriage is imminent
Define an incomplete miscarriage. (2)
Some fetal parts passed, os is open
Define a complete miscarriage. (2)
All fetal tissue passed, bleeding is diminished and os is closed
Define a missed miscarriage. (2)
Fetus has not developed or has died in utero, but it has not been recognised until bleeding or ultrasound. Uterus is small for dates and os is closed.
What is the management of bleeding in early pregnancy? (2)
Send to EPAU.
USS (TVUS) - is embryo in uterus? is it viable?
Repeat USS in one week if in doubt
hCG levels will increase by 2/3 in 48 hours if viable and in utero
If heavy bleeding or ectopic, admit.
What are the management options for a non-viable intrauterine pregnancy? (3)
Expectant: continue as long as patient is willing and no signs of infection. usually completes in 2-6 weeks.
Medical: Prostaglandin (sometimes with prior anti-progesterone, Mifepristone)
Surgical: Evacuation of retained products of conception under anaesthetic. Patient preference, if heavy bleeding or signs of infection.
Define a recurrent miscarriage. (1)
3 or more miscarriages in succession.
Affects 1% of couples
Give 3 causes of miscarriages. (3)
Name the most common cause of a single miscarriage. (1)
- Anti-phospholipid antibodies (cause thrombosis in the uteroplacental circulation) (treat with aspirin and LMWH)
- Parental chromosomal defects
- Anatomical factors (uterine or cervical - usually late miscarriages)
- Infection (preterm labour and late miscarriage) (treatment of bacterial vaginosis reduces risk)
Most common: one-off fetal chromosomal defects.
Name 3 indications for termination of pregnancy in the UK. (3)
- Risk to life of mother
- Grave risk to mother of physical or mental well-being
- Less than 24 weeks and continued pregnancy would risk physical or mental health of mother
- Less than 24 weeks and continued pregnancy would risk physical or mental health of other children
- Risk of serious handicap if fetus was to be born
Name the options available for termination of pregnancy. (3)
- Suction curettage (7-13 weeks)
- Dilatation and evacuation (13+)
- Mifepristone (anti-progesterone) plus Misoprostol or Gemiprost 36-48 hours later (0-22 weeks)
- 22-24 weeks, risk of live birth so fetacide with KCl in umbilical vein or fetal heart.
Name 2 complications of TOP. (2)
Haemorrhage, infection, uterine perforation, cervical trauma, treatment failure
Define an ectopic pregnancy. (2)
Implantation of an embryo outside of the uterus.
95% are tubal. Also can be in abdomen, cornu, cervix, ovary.
Name 3 risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy. (3)
PID, assisted conception, previous pelvic surgery, smoking, advancing maternal age, previous ectopic pregnancy
NB IUD only prevents intrauterine pregnancy