The Uterus and Problems Flashcards
What are the there layers of the uterus? (3)
Endometrium, myometrium and serosa.
What is removed in a total hysterectomy + BSO? (3)
Uterus, cervix, bilateral fallopian tubes and ovaries.
What is removed in a subtotal hysterectomy? (1)
Uterus. (Cervix is left)
What si the term for a fibroid? (1)
What is a fibroid? (1)
What are the three types? (3)
Benign tumour of the myometrium of varying sizes.
Can be classified according to location:
What hormone is linked to the growth of fibroids? (1)
Growth is oestrogen-dependent
Many regress after menopause
What is the malignancy that is a rare complication of fibroids? (1)
Name 3 risk factors associated with fibroid development. (3)
Age near menopause
What symptoms might be caused by fibroids? (3)
(50% are asymptomatic)
Menorrhagia, IMB, subfertility, pressure effects e.g. urinary frequency or urinary retention
Regina has large fibroids but has managed to conceive.
Name 3 complications of pregnancy caused by fibroids. (3)
Premature labour, malpresentation, transverse lie, obstructed labour, PPH.
Post-partum, a pedunculated fibroid may tort.
What are the medical and surgical options of management for fibroids? (3)
Med: none if small and slow growing; or GnRH analogue for max of 6 months can shrink. (Can be used pre-surgery)
-myomectomy (if medical treatment has failed and pt wishes to remain fertile. note risk of adhesions)
-hysterectomy (last resort)
-uterine artery embolisation (effect on fertility unknown)
Define adenomyosis. (1)
Growth of endometrium into myometrium causing painful, irregular, heavy periods.
What is endometrial cancer? (1)
90% are adenocarcinoma of the columnar endometrial gland cells.
Name 3 risk factors for developing endometrial cancer. (3)
Excess endogenous oestrogen: early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity, PCOS, obesity
Excess exogenous oestrogen: Oestrogen only HRT, Tamoxifen (anatagonist in breast tissue, agonist in uterine)
Other: DM and HTN, increasing age.
Where does endometrial cancer metastasise to? (3)
Locally: cervix and upper vagina, sometimes ovary
Lymphatic: pelvic, then para-aortic nodes