Menstrual Cycle and problems Flashcards
What is the difference between primary and secondary amenorrhoea? (1)
Primary (5%): failure to establish menstruation by age of 16 years (or by 14 years if no development of secondary sexual characteristics)
Secondary (95%): Absence of menstruation for >6 consecutive months in a woman who has previously established regular menses.
Name 3 causes of primary amenorrhoea? (3)
- If normal secondary characteristics: constitutional delay, androgen insensitivity syndrome, anatomical defects (eg imperforate hymen)
- If absent secondary sexual characteristics: Kallman’s syndrome, anorexia, excessive exercise, gonadal dysgenesis (eg 45X), congenital infections, pituitary tumours, head injury
- Intersex conditions: congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 5a reductase deficiency, true hermaphrodites.
Name 3 causes of secondary amenorrhoea. (3)
- Pregnancy
- Ovary: PCOS, premature ovarian failure
- Pituitary: hypopituitarism, trauma, tumour (eg prolactinoma), cranial irradiation, Sheehan’s syndrome
- Hypothalamus: Hypogonadotrophic gonadism
- Other: Endocrine (thyroid, Cushing’s)
Name 3 blood tests you would do to investigate a patient presenting with secondary amenorrhoea. (3)
Name 2 imaging you would request. (2)
LH, FSH, oestrodiol, prolactin, testosterone, TFT, ?dexamethasone suppression test, beta-hcg
USS pelvis, MRI pituitary fossa, bone mineral density scan (if oestrogen deficient)
Ursula presents with primary amenorrhoea, age 17.
Name 2 blood tests and an imaging investigation. (3)
Blood: LH, FSH, oestradiol, prolactin, karyotype
Pelvic USS
How does congenital adrenal hyperplasia cause primary amenorrhoea? (2)
When and how does CAH present? (2)
Autosomal recessive condition that causes deficient production of cortisol.
Pituitary produces excess ACTH due to lack of negative feedback, so excessive androgens are produced.
Presents at birth with ambiguous genitalia or Addisonian crisis.
Presents at puberty with primary amenorrhoea and enlarged clitoris.
What is androgen insensitivity syndrome? (2)
Genetically male child has cell receptor insensitivity to androgens, they are then converted peripherally to oestrogens.
They are therefore phenotypically female and present with primary amenorrhoea. Examination will reveal no uterus and rudimentary testes that require removal.
What is Asherman’s syndrome? (1)
Presence of intrauterine adhesions that may partially or completely occlude the uterine cavity.
can occur following surgery or excessive curettage for evacuation of retain products of conception.
Define dysfunctional uterine bleeding. (2)
Abnormal uterine bleeding in the absence of organic pathology.
it is a diagnosis of exclusion.
Tends to occur at the extremes of reproductive age or in obesity; 90% occurs with anovulatory cycles.
What is the management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding? (2)
Tranexamic acid, mefenamic acid, norethisterone, COC, IUS
Surgery: hysterectomy or endometrial ablation if family complete.
What is the difference between primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea? (1)
Primary: Painful menstruation in the absence of pathology
Secondary: Painful menstruation with identifiable pathology.
Name 3 causes of dysmenorrhoea. (3)
Fibroids Endometriosis Adenomyosis PID Menorrhagia
What type of drugs are mefenamic acid and tranexamic acid? (2)
Mefenamic acid is a NSAID
Tranexamic acid is an anti-fibrinolytic.
Dyspareunia can be separated into superficial and deep dyspareunia.
Give 2 causes of each. (4)
Superficial: infections, atrophy, vaginismus, lichensclerosis, lichen planes, scarring
Deep: PID, endometriosis, fixed uterine retroversion, pelvic congestion syndrome, pelvic adhesion, ovarian cyst.
Define endometriosis. (3)
Presence of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus.