Elements of a map Flashcards


What are the five elements of a map

  1. The title - This shows the information that is contained in a map.
  2. the scale - This is the ratio of the size of a map to the ground area
    represented on it. A scale helps cartographers to draw a large
    area of the earth’s surface on a small sheet of a paper.
  3. the compass - This shows the direction of various features that are shown on map. The directions are usually in relation to the cardinal points of a compass. They are North, South, West and East.
  4. The lines of latitude and longitude - Latitude and Longitude ► The earth is divided into lots of lines called latitude and longitude.
    3 Lines ► Longitude lines run north and south. ► Latitude lines run east and west. ► The lines measure distances in degrees. Latitude Longitude
  5. the legend (key) - understand the symbols, colours and signs used. A key is important since it helps one to understand the contents of a map in detail
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