History - The Plantations Flashcards


Q1.what changes occurred due to this plantation
Farming, land ownership,religion,, towns (5 facts)


Changes that occurred due to the plantation are things such as the following
Farming has changed due to the mass change from cattle farming to crop farming. This also made it so that things could be made more efficient for people to get more food quicker.

Land ownership changed as of the majorities of land being given to undertakers ( english and scottish men who undertook (agreed) to do as they were told with the land given to them) who were all unionists meaning that the plantation affects stayed in effect for a long time they also owned 85% of the land

Religion; Most of the population before the plantations were Roman Catholic while after the plantations they had a major population of Presbyterian Scots and Anglican English.

This also meant the flat,farmable east and mountainous,badland or the West were segregated by religion e.g. the catholic Irish in the west while the Presbyterian Scots and Anglican English were in the east

Towns were now better constructed and designed. Built for defence they were surrounded by a stone wall to defend against the Gaelic Irish tribes. Diamond towns were square / triangle in the centre with four roads leading to the centre .

The was called a diamond that was built by the English as a marketplace for the town’s most towns were built near a river the purpose of these towns was to allow the planters to buy and sell goods and was to allow English culture to thrive.

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Q2. how did this plantation impact identity


The plantations impact on identity was as follows
Identity was a huge impact On identity as of new religious division this happened due to the penal laws stating they were not allowed to “buy or inherit land” this meant by the 1700s over 85% of the land and by Protestants anger and distress call between the QCs and attention school so did the violence in between them this may have be in the starting point for the troubles of the late 20th century

Politics also had A huge impact on people due to the chemo last suppressing the status of Catholics in Ireland this greatly affected Irish identity by not being able to do things such as learning in a catholic school, going to college, be able to work in the Government or to be able to vote this was aimed to suppress them and this meant that the Catholics had a huge resentment for the Protestant people were able to do all of the above ( excluding going to Catholic schools as they went to Protestant ones)

The Loss of Gaelic culture another huge Factor of the loss of Irish identity as of the English replacing the Irish laws ( Brehon laws) , The Irish language becoming less and less common throughout the country and English taking over as the primary language of Ireland, English farming methods in place the Irish ones in many areas leading to more tillage instead of cattle farming ,forests were cleared the land was divided into field hedges and ditches.

The loss of Irish language was another big factor of the loss of Irish identity in the north and east especially due to only 1% to 20% of people knowing This means these people have lost their native tongue and I’m going to have to struggle to Nando’s again and this has not affected the whole entire country of Ireland due to most people only knowing how to speak English while only a very select amount of people knowing how to speak Irish fluently

The segregation of Irish people was also another huge factor of the loss of Irish identity due to them separating the catholic and Protestant communities which also meant they couldn’t see the good qualities in both of the religions like how Protestants only seeing the catholic people as rebellious, horrific,uncivilised people while the catholics saw the Protestants saw the as snobby,goody two shoes , too big for their own boots people and this was maybe another main reason why the troubles may have started

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The impact of the ulster plantation on politics


unionism-> political belief that ireland should maintain the union with britain
english/ scottish heritage
dominant in ulster

Nationalism -> political belief that ireland should be free with britain
Irish heritage
dominant in the southern half of ireland

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Why did the English want to conquer the Irish?


Extend english control;
Establish English customs and traditions;
Overthrow the irish
To spread anglicanism.
To gain land
To gain riches
To stop the attacks on the pale so they could save money by stopping the repairs on the pale protections
To spread english culture

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