Liberation Theology and Marx Flashcards


“Should Christian theology engage with atheist secular ideologies?” essay


A: Yes to an extent - can accept Marx’s economic views and reject his anti religious views. L.Boff Lib theo can draw on Marx’s ‘methodological pointer’. F.McGovern Focus on what Marx said about class struggle
CA: Ratzinger argued against lib theo because of Marxist influences. Marxism is intrinsically unchristian. We should learn from totalitarian regimes in 20th cenutry. Should help the poor but not in a Marxist way. “Opium of the masses”.
E: Dom Helder Camara: labelling liberation theologians as communists and Marxists:
“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist”. Cámaras argument is that liberation theology is not connected to the anti-religious core of Marxism.

A: aligns with the preferential option for the poor. Eg.Sermon on the mount. In the same way Christians have engaged in scientific developments- still Christian.
CA: However, Oscar Romero would argue that too much focus on Marxism materialism undermines the distinctiveness of Christianity. Criticised Lib Theo. It is reductionist as it interprets sin in terms of social structures. It equates salvation with praxis and revolution.
E: There is not too much focus as liberation theologians do consider the economic structures of society but equate this to structural sin. Helpful for analysis of scriptures. For example Jesus’ encounter with the rich ruler that seems to support capitalism but using the hermeneutic of suspicion prompts new perspectives on texts where the original meaning has faded.

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“Is it right for Christians to prioritise one group over another” essay


A:Boff brothers developed 5 motivations that justify a preferencial option for the poor. Prioritise those less fortunate. Christoloigcal motivation: Jesus sided with the marginalised. Helped the outcasts of society
CA:Rich man and Lazarus is contradicting.Rich man needs as much salvation as anyone else. Contrasts w lib theo which seems to condemn those who perpetuate structural sin (bourgeoisie)
E: however despite this, as the pope said, the preferential option ‘refers to an expansion rather than contraction of love and wisdom’, so showing preference to the poor doesn’t take away salvation and love shown towards others. Love isn’t a finite source.

A:Eschatological motivation - god judges those who have sided with the poor. The parable of the sheep and the goats. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. Segundo agreed and argued that that the preferential option for the poor meant that Christian’s should not be neutral. Supports orthopraxy instead of orthodoxy
CA: Other groups may also need preferential treatment. Goes against the idea of an omnibenevolent God if God has preferences
E: The situation the poor are in, in the first place, in unjust. Therefore it is impossible to not take sides. If you do nothing in the fact of injustice you are the oppressor. Camilo Torres Restrepo argued that words without action are meaningless. He was a priest that joined a guerrilla group.

Rational to prioritise one group.

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Liberation theology movement scholars


Gustavo Gutierrez: Laid the foundation for the liberation theology movement. Drew links between original sin and structural sin. Once structural sin has been eliminated, Christian’s can move to personal sin
Leonardo Boff: also contributed significantly to liberation theology
Oscar Romero: a priest from El Salvador who. Was assassinated for speaking against the governments human rights abuse. Not a liberation theologian but held similar beliefs.
Jose Porfirio Miranda: took Marx’s suspicion of private ownership. The biblical view is more radical than Marx’s view. Capitalism is due to human sin.The cause of private ownership is because of rejection of God. Not treated God’s creation with respect.
Joseph Ratzinger: Liberation theology puts too much emphasis on Marxism. L.T puts too much emphasis on political liberation, equates salvation with praxis and revolution, not God’s grace.
Alistair Kee: Marx’s theory includes the criticism of religion. Cannot just cherry pick the bits of Marx they find helpful.
Camilo Torres Restrepo: Words without action were meaningless. Permitted the use of violence or revolution. He joined the guerillas
Pope John Paul II: TPOFTP was important. Added that spiritual poverty was also important to address. Consumerism which exploits the weak fill the spiritual void.

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Preferencial option for the poor

  • The meeting of puebla also established ‘the preferencial option for the poor’
  • God ‘hears the cry’ of his people. The church must imitate God and hear the cry of the poor and seek justice
  • Jesus sided with he poor
  • The sheep and the Goats’ side w the poor to get to heaven
  • After the death of Jesus the apostles collected money to give to the poor.
  • Boff calls the kingdom of God ‘topia’ which is a place where existing social conditions change
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Orthodoxy vs Orthopraxis

  • Orthopraxis = action to bring about justice
  • Orthodoxy = Catholic Church teachings
  • First act praxis = (Boff brothers) Christian’s must act in solidarity and understand what it is like. E.g. living with them, visits
  • Second act praxis = Guitierrez. To reflect and sit quietly
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“Has Liberation theology engaged with Marxism fully enough” essay


A: There has been too much engagement. As liberation theology have limited theology. Seen in The Instruction. L.T is reductionist as interprets sin in terms of social structures.
Equates salvation with praxis and revolution, not God’s grace.
CA: Alistair Kee argues that the Vatican was overly critical. There is too little engagement. Accuses Lib Theo’s of cherry picking Marx’s ideas. Historical materialism involves spirituality though each historical stage. Christianity should acknowledge this as an ideology. Need to reassess. Next step in the dialectic historical after secular capitalism should be spiritual socialism .
E: Gustavo Gutiérrez and Jon Sobrino argue that there has been too much engagement. Shouldn’t be engaged in an anti-religion ideology at all. It can be argued that Lib Theo’s have taken Marxism to the limit. Any further God would begin to be described as a false consciousness with Christianity

A: Cardinal Ratzinger in the instruction: makes truth exclusive only to practise a certain kind of Praxis. Restrapo ditched being a priest to Jon the guerillas. Violence??
CA: There is still deep injustice in Latin America. Should be greater emphasis on the need for revolution. Perhaps it shouldn’t just be confined to Latin America. El Salvador where it started is still one of the most violent countries in the world
E: Boff argues that the heaven is wha we make it on earth. Goes against biblical teachings ‘topia’. Jesus on the cross??

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