Religious Pluralism And Society Flashcards


“Has inter-faith dialogue contributed practically towards social cohesion” essay


A: yes has contributed as heals the wounds of the past. David Ford comments - one strand on interfaith dialogue happened after the holocaust. Christianity reconciled themselves with Judaism. has allowed society to rebuild itself stronger
CA: Exclusivists believe that only Christians can reach salvation. Interfaith dialogue has weakened the Christian message. Undermines the truth of Christianity. Can lead to confusion and lack of identity. Can lead to Christians feeling outcast
E: has lead to communities to understand why they hold that with position in the first place. Technology and mass media have left to loss of identity. Interfaith helps find identity again

A: Overcoming prejudice. Instead of fear gain a greater understanding. Christianity less than 50% . Increase of migration, avoidance of xenophobia, replaced with understanding. Food bank
CA: undermines the place of mission. Redemptoris missio. Interfaith dialogue is not compatible with mission. Would be dishonest yo try to promote Christianity “the way the truth, the light”. Less social cohesion, can lead to frustration from other religions
E: not considering practical social cohesion, only furthering of Christianity. Allowed people the freedom to choose. Freedom of thinking is what leads to a cohesive society. Redemptoris missio also Higgins common goals.

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“inter-faith dialogues strengthens Christian communities” essay


A: inter-faith dialogue does strengthen communities as it brings up ignorance and prejudice. Inter-faith dialogue helps to let other religions become more understanding,
CA: undermines the truth of Christianity: redemptoris missio, there is an undercurrent of the need to convert, so inter-faith dialogue can not be carried out successfully. Dishonest to promote Christianity as ‘the way the truth and the life’. It is not fair. History of missionary work - imperialism and colonialism, not good
E: “sharing the gospel of salvation” promotes Christian shared cooperation with non-Christians for the common good. Does strengthen. Minimises conflict and coexist

A: Pluralists may argue that Chirstina communities can be strengthened as Christians can learn from other religions. e.g. learn how Muslims do Ramadan.
CA: may water down Cristina doctrine teachings as inter-faith dialogue aims to unite the religions with a common ground. Monolithic. Done between Abrahamic faiths, inter-faith dialouge has it’s limit, can water down the Christian community
E: neither gentile or Jew you are all one in Jesus Christ, Give Christians a renewed confidence

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