The Challenge Of Secularism Flashcards


“Secularism does not pose a threat to Christianity” essay


A: Terry Eagleton: Marxist and Christian scholar - “secularism is largely doomed”. religions has been the best way of connecting people throughout history that share the same customs and practices. Deep religious truths that people will be willing to die for. No evidence yet people have followed Christianity shows us it is not a threat. Christians need to try harder in their cultural contributions
CA: Dawkins: progmmatic secularist. Arguments against the hole concept of religion. Faith used to justify lack of empirical evidence. Suppression for scientific inquiry. Is a threat as Christianity lacks reason and evidence . Shown in the removal of religion from schools
E: McGrath — no suppression of scientific inquiry - science cannot answer all questions. reliance of science to explain everything is insufficient. Non-overlapping magisteria. No threat

A: Taylor - society is going through a secular phase, can be seen Soviet Russia. revival of Orthodox Christianity. Just a phase so no threat
CA: Dawkins - extremism, left to is own devices is dangerous - 9/11. People are suspicious. Decline in Christianity less than 50%. Freud - we are a mature society, religion is a type of neurosis.
E: Secularism is not a sign of a mature society. Most societies have been religious and had a belief in te divine. Religion is enabling, it will always exist. Gives us a richer appreciation for life. Serves as a coping mechanisms. Heaven e.g.

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“Christianity is a major cause of social and personal problem”


A: Christianity promotes people with hope and faith. concept of heaven = faith. Formed strong communities in churches. Has the ability to bring people together. Can be seen in Christian charities e.g. Samaritans
CA: Freud: neurosis, suppression. Fry: unhealthy obsession with sex. e.g. sexual assault allegations.
E: not a representation of the church - just of wrong people. Christianity promotes love, love thy neighbour is the most important rule.

A: Terry Eagleton accesses deep truths that secularism cannot. Even with no evidence for truth still embedded into society. Influenced through art e.g.
CA: Dawkins: strops scientific progress. We evolved, not the fall - Darwin. Faith = blind following something. Anti-faith schools. Programmatic secularism
E: McGrath: Christianity cannot answer all questions. E.g. meaning of life

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Secularism scholars and arguments


Alistar McGrath: wrote the Dawkins delusion believes that science and religion can constructively coexist
Charles Taylor argued that a failure of secular humanism is that it gives too much importance to the individual and their private experiences, break down the communication aspect of society
Terry Eagleton: Marxist scholar. Understands concerns about religious fundamentalism but does not think secularism is the answer. Thinks secularism is more about capitalist individualism and a misplaces fear of religions because of events such as 9/11. Religion gives life meaning.
David Hume: Atheist enlightenment scholar. Argued that religion is childish and is mainly practised by uneducated people.
August Comte: civilised society develops from: theological -> metaphysical -> the positive
Freud: society needs to grow up and develop rationally and must abolish religion. A type of neurosis. God was created by man through the Oedipus complex, begging a father figure for forgiveness. Is wish fulfilment. Our biggest fear is death and religion was created.
Feuerbach: religion is the projection of all aspects of human nature onto God. What they call an experience of God is actually an experience of themselves
Dawkins: Religion has a disproportionate place in society. Wrote the God delusion. He believed: religion leads to complacency and religion should not substitute the gaps, evolution replaces the need for a God, religion is just an idea, religion causes war, form of child abuse.
La laïte the law in France - programmatic secularism

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