Part A Chapter 10 Security Flashcards

Q Publicity


Crew shall NOT make any statements to Press or Media Interviewers.

All requests for information shall be referred to Dragonair Corporate Communication Department or the local Senior Dragonair Representative.

Potential Hijackers and Bomb Hoax culprits often gain valuable insight and information from Press coverage. Passengers and Crew involved in security incidents shall be requested to refrain from discussing the event with the Press.

Crew are advised that all Dragonair operational information and publications, such as rosters, scheduling practices, port, route and service briefings, etc, are strictly confidential and shall not be divulged to non-Dragonair persons.

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Q In-flight Handling Procedures of Suspected Biological Agent


Cover the powder with cold wet towels.

Close the overhead air-conditioning outlets and move passengers away from the affected area.

Use PA to try to locate the passenger who may have dropped the powder. Captain shall delay the aircraft parking, so passengers can be clearly identified in a controlled environment. *Once the aircraft has positioned at the gate, passengers will be focused on immediate disembarkation, this situation shall be avoided AT ALL COST.

If unable to determine the source of the powder, seal-off the affected area and reorganize the seating arrangement. If situation permits, move passengers at least 4 rows away from the hot zone or isolate cabin section where hot zone is identified.

Segregate persons who had come into DIRECT CONTACT with the powder. Instruct them to wash their hands with soap and hot water so as to prevent spreading any powder to his / her face or transmitting to other persons. It is imperative that these persons must NOT move around the cabin to avoid potential contamination.

Report the case to CX IOC and who would notify KA Security, ground staff and local authority.

Crew shall prepare the name list of all passengers who were in the hot zone and pass it to the local authority to facilitate any medical treatment or follow-up investigation.

Avoid eating or drinking while waiting for Police’s arrival to prevent any potential contamination.

Upon police arrival, they will take charge of the situation. When the powder is believed to be a credible possible biological agent (e.g. Anthrax 炭疽), decontamination and follow up medical treatment will be arranged as necessary.

Medical procedures are extremely effective if start within a few hours of exposure.

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Q Cabin Safety Report


To report cabin safety related incidents, e.g. inadvertent slide deployment, smoking, violation of electronic equipment / mobile phone regulations, unruly passengers, crew incapacitation, injuries to crew or passengers caused by the aircraft systems or equipment, usage or failure of any emergency equipment.

Whenever a CSR is raised the FA1 should pass it to the Commander for signature as an acknowledgement.

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Q Syringes / Injection Needles


Passenger should provide the Physician’s Certificate as a supporting document to GROUND STAFF for inspection.

If UNABLE to provide the relevant document or certificate, the medication shall bear a pharmaceutical label.

Ground Agent should then advise crews that the passenger is permitted to carry syringe / injection onboard.

Crews are NOT required to examine the Physician’s Certificate again before acceptance.

Crews are NOT liable to take possession 沒收 of the syringes / injection needles in-flight and shall instead monitor situation and tender necessary assistance if required.

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Q Dragonair Identification Cards (Dragonair ID Card) and ICAO Crew Member Certificate (CMC)


Upon loss, report immediately to:

Dragonair Security Department
Flight Crew Personnel Administration

Complete Lost Property Report to Dragonair Security Department

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Q Uniforms


Upon loss, report immediately to:

Manager Security and Facilitation
Local Police Authority

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  1. 1.4.5 Crew Baggage

10. 1.4.7 Commercial Goods


No Crew Member will take sealed parcels or gifts on board the aircraft WITHOUT the permission of the Commander. Last minute gifts or purchases such as food, cakes and fruit which are delivered to the aircraft are NOT to be accepted.

Carriage of Commercial Goods through the Crew Channel is strictly forbidden.

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Q Cabin Crew Access to Ramp


Aircraft Commander Permitted

High Visibility Vest and Ear Protection worn

Escorted by Ground Personnel

FA1 shall record the case in Flight Report

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Q No-show Passengers and Passenger Baggage non-conciliation


DISAPPEARANCE of Transit Passenger:

Commander informed and on his DISCRETION, all passengers will be required to disembark taking with them their hand baggage

Cabin Toilet searched

Upon informed Commander, unclaimed baggage or Suspicious Articles removed from aircraft

APPEARANCE of Additional Passenger:

Commander informed, FA1 and Authorized Ground Staff consulted to identify / resolve discrepancy


After pushback and prior to takeoff, return to the nearest available parking bay and offload.

After takeoff, Airport Services Manager / Airport in Charge to contact IOC then risk assessment carried out, then Commander informed as:

Credible Risk: Divert to port of origin or the nearest available airport.

Low Risk: Flight Continued.

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Q Passenger Offloading


If Offloaded Passenger was physically onboard PRIOR to the offload, FA1 will complete the following ADDITIONAL Security Checks:


Seats and Seat Pockets 2 Rows either side of the Offloaded Passenger’s seat.

Overhead Lockers and other Storage Areas.

Passengers seated within these 2 rows shall be asked to identify their hand baggage and any unclaimed baggage shall be offloaded accordingly.

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Q Cabin Crew Access to Ramp


Aircraft Commander Permitted

High Visibility Vest and Ear Protection worn

Escorted by Ground Personnel

FA1 shall record the case in Flight Report

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Q No-show Passengers and Passenger Baggage non-conciliation


DISAPPEARANCE of Transit Passenger:

Commander informed and on his DISCRETION, all passengers will be required to disembark taking with them their hand baggage

Cabin Toilet searched

Upon informed Commander, unclaimed baggage or Suspicious Articles removed from aircraft

APPEARANCE of Additional Passenger:

Commander informed, FA1 and Authorized Ground Staff consulted to identify / resolve discrepancy


After pushback and prior to takeoff, return to the nearest available parking bay and offload.

After takeoff, Airport Services Manager / Airport in Charge to contact IOC then risk assessment carried out, then Commander informed as:

Credible Risk: Divert to port of origin or the nearest available airport.

Low Risk: Flight Continued.

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Q Passenger Offloading


If Offloaded Passenger was physically onboard PRIOR to the offload, FA1 will complete the following ADDITIONAL Security Checks:


Seats and Seat Pockets 2 Rows either side of the Offloaded Passenger’s seat.

Overhead Lockers and other Storage Areas.

Passengers seated within these 2 rows shall be asked to identify their hand baggage and any unclaimed baggage shall be offloaded accordingly.

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Q Arriving Passengers Trying to Return to the Aircraft for items left behind


Ground Staff shall make sure an accurate location for the left behind item is determined from the passenger.

Ramp Staff or Cabin Crew to help find the item.

If Passenger start walking back towards the Aircraft WITHOUT noticed by ground staff, cabin crew shall ensure the passenger is ESCORTED to his / her seat AFTER all other passengers have disembarked.

In all cases Ground Staff and Cabin Crew shall ensure passengers hold valid boarding passes BEFORE regaining access into the cabin.

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  1. 1.6.1 Diplomatic Agents and Baggage - Exemptions to Normal Security Screening - SUSPICIOUS
  2. 1.6.2 Consuls

If a Diplomatic Bag is considered SUSPICIOUS, Flight Crew shall request KA Security to contact the Deputy Director of Protocol (HK) or the appropriate Embassy to confirm the validity of the Courier and their travel booking.

Genuine Doubt regarding the authenticity of the booking, or there are ground of suspicion that the Diplomatic Bag MAY contain offensive weapons or explosives, the Commander / PIC may refuse to carry the bag unless it is subjected to X-ray examination.

The privileges accorded by the Vienna Convention to Diplomatic Agents do NOT extend to Consuls. However, it is considered appropriate to extend the same treatment as that recommended for Diplomats and their baggage to:

HEAD of any Foreign Consular Post in HK
Commissioner or Trade Commissioner of a Common wealth Country
Consular Bags

NOT covered by privilege:

Honorary Consuls
Any member of the Consular Staff other than the “Head”

*If the Commander suspects a passenger claiming to be a diplomat is likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft, he shall take whatever steps he may consider necessary to secure the safety of the aircraft and its passengers. He shall NOT allow any necessary action to be inhibited by the diplomatic status of the passenger.

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Q Farewell and Arrival Ceremonies


All members of the permitted parties shall wear appropriate permits.

Non-travelling members of the party should be requested NOT to board the aircraft and should NOT be permitted to pass security guards without being identified.

Q Carriage of Persons in Custody


Minimum of 2 Escorts.

No carriage of firearm by escort.

Does NOT carry any potentially dangerous item that could be used as a weapon.

Escorts are required to be equipped with adequate and sufficient restraining devices.

Persons in custody and escorts are to be seated as far to the rear of the aircraft but NOT immediately adjacent to ANY exit door. The escort will be seated between the person in custody and the aisle.

Persons in custody will be accompanied at ALL times, INCLUDING visits to the lavatory.

No intoxicating liquor shall be served to either persons in custody or escorts and plastic cutlery ONLY will be issued with meal service.

The escort shall have the ability to communicate with the person in custody.

Carriage of persons in custody will only be accepted if concurrence has been obtained in advance from the country of final destination that the person(s) in custody will be received.

Escorts are to be identified to a member of the Flight Deck Crew and the FA1 prior to boarding the aircraft.

If the passenger requires sedation prior to departure, each flight sector shall last o longer than the effective duration of the administered sedative.

Should any doubt exists, passenger shall NOT be carried.


10.2 Non-normal Security Procedures


Un-ruly Passenger: Both Cabin and Flight Crew at in the most appropriate way to minimize the consequences of an act of UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE.

Bomb Warning: Any warning received MUST be assessed to determine its significance and the level of risk it represents in order that appropriate measures may be determined.

Hijacking: Flight Crew maintain the integrity of the flight deck and command of the aircraft at ALL cost. Communicate with essential ground agencies and continue to fly the aircraft to the nearest suitable airport.

Q Unruly Passengers - Authority of the Aircraft Commander / PIC


Tokyo Convention of 1963, Crime in the Air:

Commander / PIC has powers of arrest and can delegate those powers to members of the crew and to passengers on board the flight.

Aviation Security Ordinance (ASO):

Any act or omission taking place on-bard a Hong Kong controlled aircraft would constitute an offence under the law of Hong Kong.

  1. 2.2.2 Unruly Passengers - Action by the Aircraft Commander / PIC
  2. 2.2.3 Unruly Passengers - In flight

On occasion the behaviour of a passenger might deteriorate to an unacceptably low level between the time of aircraft boarding and the aircraft pushback, the decision whether to carry to passenger or not rests with the COMMANDER, who shall give serious consideration to the recommendation made by the FA1.

Commander or FA1 will inform the ramp co-ordinator or senior Airport Officer on duty.

Senior Airport Officer on duty is to notify Airport Security or the appropriate local authority to stand by at the gate, if necessary, to offload the passenger.

Offload the passenger’s baggage, amend relevant onboard documents.

Senior Airport Officer is to record the case in the Ground Handling Report and FA1 to raise a Cabin Safety Report.


Incident occur in the cabin during any phase of flight from passenger doors closed to engine shutdown, the flight crew MUST remain on the flight deck. The Commander or any other member of the flight deck crew shall NOT become directly involved in the physical handling of any incident, and shall immediately check and confirm that the flight deck door is CLOSED and LOCKED.

Notify the local authorities concerned as soon as practicable of intention to off-load any passenger from the flight and/or deliver such a passenger to the Local Authorities

Inform IOC with decision and details

Obtain signed statements from at least 3 independent witnesses, preferably NOT Dragonair staff passengers

FA1, Commander / PIC endorse the Statement Form

For Flights inbound to Hong Kong, Officers / Manager from the Security Departemnt / Police (If offence committed) will be available to meet any flight on which an unruly incident has occurred.

At outport, Dragonair Ground Staff, Local Security and / or police will be in attendance, depending on local practice. Where required, the Manager Security and Facilitation or his designate can relay advice on what assistance to expect at each port the the Commander via IOC.

Whenever the Security team or police are requested to meet an aircraft, the Commander or the crew member(s) are required to follow up with a formal complaint using a Statement Form as a supporting evidence.

Q Unruly Passenger - Passenger Restraint


The commander may consider the use of hand cuffs to restrain a passenger if his behaviour has become uncontrollable, which is kept in the L1 Stowage Compartment (A320/1) / L1 Attendant Seat (A330) / VCC compartment (A33C).

A passenger restrained should be isolated (avoid near a door or emergency exit) and kept under close supervision until he / she is handed to the police on arrival for detention and / or prosecution. Commander may also consider landing at the nearest suitable airport if there are a number of unruly passengers and their behaviour seriously affects the safety of the aircraft.

Q Unruly Passenger - Assault on Crew Members in Flight


Crew should obtain Names, Addresses and Seat Numbers of at least 2 passengers who witnessed the assault. Record time, location and the sequence of events.

Commander must be informed.

Crew Member shall advise the Commander whether he / she wishes charges to be laid against the person concerned and the Commander will pass this information to IOC and the Airport Services Manager / Manager on Duty at the Destination.

Authorities will be responsible for deciding whether further action will be taken against the passenger concerned.

Company will fully support the crew member’s decision.

*In some countries there may be a problem with Jurisdiction for Offences committed on aircraft in-flight.

Level 1: Disruptive Behaviour

Action up to Written Warning

Level 2: Pysically Absusive Behaviour
Level 3: Life Threatening Behaviour
Level 4: Attempted Breach of the Flight Deck

Action up to Restrain

Q Unruly Passengers - Policy for Handling Passengers who refuse to disembark


Stage 1: FA1 informs Captain, Captain / FA1 alerts KA Security and / or Airport Services Manager / Manager on Duty, FA1 makes Stage 1 PA, Cabin Crew continue convincing passengers to disembark.

Stage 2: 5 min later, FA1 liaise with ASM / MOD to arrange for ASSISTANCE to passengers once they have disembarked, Captain makes Stage 2 PA.

Stage 3: 15 min later, Captain / FA1 shall liaise with KA Security and ASM / MOD to arrange POLICE to meet the aircraft, Captain makes Stage 3 PA.

Stage 4: Stage 1-3 acted, confirmation of police assistance obtained, Captain shall repeat Stage 3 PA in 15 intervals until the senior police officer is present. If passengers continue refuse to disembark, Captain / FA1 shall liaise with KA Security and / or MOD / ASM for police assistance in off-loading them. Once police are on-board, they will make decisions and take actions, meanwhile crew shall assist police and facilitate their actions accordingly. Crew may be requested to remain on board to cater for any safety related issues (including making Stage 4 PA, turning off ground power and air conditioning, etc).

  1. 2.3.1 Bomb Warnings and Explosive Devices
  2. 2.3.2 In-flight
  3. 2.3.3 On Ground
  4. 2.3.4 Suspicious Explosive Devices

Aircraft on Ground - MUST be held until the Assessment Team has evaluated the Level of Threat.

Green: May NOT identify a target or specific group of targets, or which otherwise lacks credibility. Such a warning does NOT justify extra precautions.

Amber: Related to one or more targets but there is a doubt about its credibility or about the effectiveness of the existing countermeasures. May involve danger and MAY require additional precautionary measures.

Red: Permits identification of a specific target, or where the caller has positively identified himself or the organization involved and is judged to be credible. Such a warning is likely to involve danger to aircraft, people or airport activities and therefore merits specific countermeasures.

Amber or Red, may consider:

Disembarkation of crew and passengers

Offloading of cargo / baggage / mail

Re-screening of passengers and cargo PA before Vacating Passengers and Security Search:

“A message from an obvious hoaxer concerning your flight has been received. These messages have been received many times in the past by airlines. However, the Company has laid down a procedure for searching all aircraft and passengers’ baggage, and which MUST be followed on these occasions. The Police will assist with this.”

Security Search conducted according to Security Search Checklist by ground engineers supplemented by cockpit and cabin crew who are considered suitable, equipped with torches and where necessary, screwdrivers.

The Supervisor shall arrange a signal to be used to recall the search team if necessary.

Search from outside of the area towards the centre to ensure the shortest escape route is always clear.

After the initial search, all containers / cabinets are to be left open and all waste bins are to be emptied and fitted with new plastic bags. After the Commander is satisfied that the search has been completed satisfactorily he will authorize the closing of tall compartments and containers.

Locate objects that appear to be unusual or out of place.

On NO account should a suspect object be touched or moved.

Searcher shall clearly mark its location with a cloth or a tie and immediately inform the Supervisor.

If the supervisor confirms that the object is suspicious then he will ensure that all personnel leave the vicinity of the aircraft and request the Airport Services Manager / Airport in Charge to advise the appropriate authorities.

If a suspicious object is found, liaise with he authorities to determine whether the search should be continued once the object has been made safe.

The supervisor shall ensure that the vicinity of the aircraft is kept clear of all authorized personnel and vehicles for a radius of at least 200 m until the search is complete.

Aircraft in Flight: Warning message will be passed to the Commander through IOC or ATC. Commander may consider:

Recall the aircraft to the departure airport.

Require the aircraft to divert to the nearest suitable airfield and land ASAP.

Conduct in-flight Bomb Search Checklist if required.

If suspicious object is found, Commander may descend to equalize the pressure between the cabin and the exterior. All non-essential electrical power shall be switched off.

Do not move suspicious object. Use blankets, pillows and soft baggage to cover and secure the suspicious item in the attitude in which it was found.

Move passengers at least 4 seat rows away from the suspicious item. If other seats are full these passengers shall sit on the floor in protected areas.

Passengers near the suspicious items hall protect their heads with pillows, blankets etc and sit in the brace position.

All passengers must remain seated with seat belts fastened and if possible, position their heads below the top of the head rest.

After landing, park aircraft in an area far away from the Terminal and other Aircraft.

Avoid use cabin doors in the vicinity of the suspicious item for disembarkation of passengers. Use ALL available airport facilities to disembark without delay. Emergency Exits on the side of the suspicious item should NOT be used.

If suspicious object is NOT found in-flight:

Authority will arrange aircraft search.

Passengers and crew shall take ALL items of hand luggage with them.

Once Passengers have been transported away from the aircraft, ask them to inspect their own hand luggage and ensure it has NOT been tampered 損壞 with.

  1. 2.4 Hijacking and Unlawful Interference

10. 2.4.12 Flight Crew Compartment Procedures to Protect the Aeroplane


In case cabin crew is under duress 威迫, they will use intercom / emergency call to say “I must come to the cockpit immediately.” to indicate this is a Level 3 or Level 4 incident.

Keep the hijackers out of the flight deck at ALL costs. The primary responsibility of the cockpit crew is to land the aircraft at the nearest suitable airfield.

During disturbance, the area in front of the flight crew compartment door (including lavatories and the gallery) is to be considered as a “Clear Zone”. No passengers shall be permitted in the “Clear Zone” except Able Bodied Passengers (ABPs) if they are physically assisting the cabin crew to prevent an attempted intrusion into the flight deck or assisting the crew with disruptive passengers.

If an incident appears to advance to Level 3 or 4 the “Clear Zone” shall be immediately activated and the following actions taken:

Passengers shall be in their seats

A galley cart shall be placed in front of the flight deck door.

ABPs may be requested to block the area of the flight deck door.

Cockpit crew are NOT to enter the cabin.

Cabin crew MUST be prepared to handle ALL disturbances in the cabin without the direct assistance of the flight crew.

Any crewmember must be prepared to use their initiative to keep the cockpit crew informed of what is happening in the cabin especially if the FA1 is dealing with the incident.

ATC phraseology:

“Ongoing Attempted Hijacking” - The Flight Crew are still IN CONTROL of the aircraft.

“Hijacking” or “Hijacked” - The Hijackers are in control of the aircraft.

Communication with IOC:

Send ACARS “75 MSG” / Downlink CPDLC Emergency Report
IOC respond “From IOC, Confirm Speed, PLS ACK” / Controller Uplink “Confirm Speed / ADS”
If no response, Hijack Procedures will be initiated.
If unintentional: “KA### Ops Normal - H75 Error” / EMERGENCY MODE to OFF, Advice ATC by voice OR Downlink “ADS Reset”

Cockpit Crew Actions: (Cumulative)

Level 1: Disruptive Behaviour

Written Warning, Level 1 PA, Written Report from Commander and FA1

Level 2: Physically Abusive Behaviour

Advice ATC, request appropriate law enforcement agency meet the aircraft, Level 2 PA, consider diversion and landing plan in case the incident escalates to a higher level, solicit help from cabin crew and passengers, Written Report from Commander and FA1

Level 3: Life Threatening Behaviour

Declare emergency, consider diverting to the nearest suitable airfield, Squawk 7500 and initiate the ACARS hijack message, send ACARS message to CX IOC with details, prepare for possible rapid descent, monitor 121.5 and prepare for interception by military aircraft, lock the cockpit door using the dead bolt, After Landing , push the fire pushbuttons and disconnect the IDGS.

Level 4: Attempted Breach or Actual Breach of Flight Deck

Divert to nearest suitable airfield, lock the cockpit door using the dead bolt, consider selecting the PAX SYS pushbutton to OFF which isolates power from the In-flight Entertainment System, reducing the hijacker’s access to potential sources of information and external communication (Negative effect: Depower the actuator mechanism of the passenger seats). After landing, push the fire pushbuttons and disconnect the IDGs. If appropriate escape from the aircraft.

A pilot shall NEVER leave the flight eck to assist the cabin staff even for apparently minor cabin disturbances. An unruly passenger incident could be a diversionary tactic to draw the pilots from the flight deck and the cabin staff to a distant part of the cabin.

Over-aggressive aircraft manoeuvres are NOT recommended nor is depressurization of the aircraft.

The flight deck crew shall consider whether to remain on the aircraft or to escape. Upon balancing the various aspects of the threat situation, the commander may judge, in the best interest of the passengers, crew and others, that he escape from the aircraft. This will generally place the passengers and remaining crew in a MORE CONTROLLED and therefore MORE MANAGEABLE situation.

During and immediately following disembarkation all persons on board the aircraft (including uniformed crew due to the possibility of forced clothing exchange) will be considered as potential perpetrators. The crew can expect to be treated at the end of the incident with the same level of suspicion as all other occupants of the aircraft. Al crew are to set a good example of cooperation and support of these post incident measures.

Q Hijacking - Use of Non-Lethal Protective Devices


Not authorized: Stun guns, pepper sprays

In Level 3 or 4 incidents Could use: Fire Extinguishers, Fire Axe in cockpit (Could be potential weapon for attackers if not retained), PBE to protect from irritant substances.