
This class was created by Brainscape user monica atherton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (53)

How does the cellulose wall benef...,
How is the structure of cellulose...,
What kind of monomers is cellulos...
31  cards
Cell Structure
12  cards
Molecules with 2 ends are,
Triglycerides made up of,
What does a hydrolysis and conden...
22  cards
Chain of amino acids,
Tertiary structure,
Different groups in amino acid st...
23  cards
Enzyme action
What are enzymes,
3 conditions needed for enzyme ca...,
Active site
25  cards
Types of tumour,
What is mitosis usually used for,
32  cards
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Nuclear envelope,
Nuclear pores,
21  cards
Nucleic Acids
What does nucleotide structure lo...,
What is the circle in the dna str...,
What is the pentagon in a nucleotide
49  cards
Cell recognition and the immune system
Type of defences,
What do cell mediated and humoral...,
What must lymphocytes be able to ...
99  cards
Mass Transport
How is surface area to volume rat...,
What is required to organisms wit...,
What is a transport system requir...
11  cards
Mass transport - blood vessels and their functions
What do arteries do,
24  cards
Transport across cell membranes
Why are phospholipids important,
Functions of phospholipids,
Proteins in bilayer use
39  cards
DNA, genes and protein synthesis
Degenerate code,
Stop codons
48  cards
Adaptations of leaf,
Letter equation of photosynthesis,
Word equation
79  cards
Ecology Part 1
Suggest why the mark release reca...,
Succession occurs in natural ecos...,
Describe how you could estimate t...
42  cards
Ecology Part 2
What is eutrophication,
Describe how eutrophication occurs,
What is a producer
10  cards
Respiration definition,
Respiration equation,
Metabolism definition
69  cards
Genetic Terminology
16  cards
Example of codominance,
What are monohybrid crosses
8  cards
Mass transport in plants
What does xylem transport,
Theory associated with xylem,
What does the phloem do
58  cards
CNS and Response exam questions
Why must organisms respond to cha...,
What does an organism need to res...,
What is detection
23  cards
Synapses process
One neurotransmitter used in nerv...,
What are synapses called that use...,
Process of synaptic transmission ...
25  cards
Gas Exchange in Insects
Process of structures in insect g...,
What are spiracles,
20  cards
Gas Exchange in Fish
System fish have,
Gas exchange process with structures,
Advantage of gill filaments
12  cards
Gas Exchange in Humans
Breathing mechanism that causes a...,
Process of gas exchange structures,
Alveoli adaptations
19  cards
Definition of digestion,
What do the small soluble molecul...,
Process of digestion structures
38  cards
Water and its functions
What is water made up of,
Charges in water molecule,
Bonding in water
9  cards
The Kidney Structure
Renal artery,
Renal vein,
8  cards
The Kidney - Ultrafiltration
What is the purpose of ultrafiltr...,
Where does ultrafiltration occur,
Structures needed for bowmans cap...
10  cards
The Kidney - Selective Reabsorption
What structures are involved in s...,
What is the purpose of selective ...,
Where does most reabsoprtion occur
12  cards
The Kidney - Osmoregulation
What does adh stand for,
What controls water potential,
What process controls water poten...
29  cards
Key Words
0  cards
Gas Exchange In Single-Celled Organisms
0  cards
Exchange Between Organisms And Environment
0  cards
Structure Of Human Gas Exchange
0  cards
Enzymes, Absortion And Digestion
0  cards
What type of protein is haemoglobin,
Why is it good that red blood cel...,
What structure does haemoglobin have
26  cards
Heart And Circulatory System
What type of system to mammals have,
Why do mammals have a doubel circ...,
What are the two types of systems
26  cards
DNA Genes And Protein Synthesis
0  cards
Genetic DIversity
0  cards
0  cards
Receptors And Reflex Arc
Three main types of neurone,
Sensory neurones,
Relay neurones
7  cards
Plant Growth Factors
Type of growth response to stimul...,
Name hormone tht is a specific gr...,
What does iaa affect
19  cards
Control Of Heart Rate
Name of system,
Region of the brain controls hear...,
What is the medulla made up of
13  cards
Nervous Coordination
0  cards
What are muscles made up of,
What is actin,
What is myosin
55  cards
Homeostasis And Feedback Mechanisms
Why is homeostasis important,
Examples of homeostasis,
Two coordiantion systems for home...
33  cards
Regulation Of Blood Glucose Concentration
What conversion regulates blood g...,
3 processes within the liver when...,
What is glycogenesis
30  cards
Inherited Change
0  cards
Populations And Evolution
0  cards
Gene Expression
How does mrna become translated i...,
What do we do because we cant use...
6  cards
Recombinant DNA Technology
0  cards
Cell Immunity By The Spec
What molecules enable an immune s...,
Antigen definition,
Phagocytosis definition
13  cards

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