vocab for school

This class was created by Brainscape user Jamie Luong. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

The Hobbit chapter 1
It is all very well for gandalf t...,
Who is speaking i think it sounde...,
What does bilbo think in the text...
27  cards
Vosough Microbiome test
In the 11th century who made the ...,
What is the goal of the method,
What are the six steps to the sci...
91  cards
Call of the Klondike
What is the setting in the beginn...,
What can can you infer from this ...,
What does this paragraph state th...
27  cards
What can you infer from paragraph...,
How did mr johnson react to the w...,
What did mr johnson get
18  cards
Apollo 13 mission
What word is used to describe whe...,
Which paragraphs tells us the set...,
What can you infer from paragraph...
19  cards
honors history sat words week 1-5
25  cards
parra vocab quiz
Grub stake,
18  cards
Ancient Rome
Hagia sophia,
27  cards
Legacy of Rome
Rome left a lasting legacy in what,
What language did romans speak,
What languages did latin develop in
8  cards
CH 2 vosough science
What two molecules are needed in ...,
What in the cell is responsible f...,
What are the three main systems i...
64  cards
The Middle East
Describe the deserts,
Describe the de,
67  cards
Traits and Reproduction Test
What is a gene what does it do,
What is a chromosome,
What is heredity
40  cards
Parra Unit 2 Vocab
An event in which the result is d...,
Objects used for a particular pur...,
Done in a hurry and as a matter o...
15  cards
Ch 7 Vosough Science
What is an ecosystem,
What is a population,
What does abiotic mean
46  cards
Parra Vocab from Merriam Webster
Steady or faithful attachment sti...,
Viewing the future with anxiety o...,
To inflict punishment on as by wh...
15  cards
Vosough Matter and Energy
Photosynthesis 2 major reactions
2  cards
Cellular Respiration
Where does glycolysis take place,
Where does the krebs cycle citric...,
Where does the electron transport...
8  cards
Matter and Energy in an Ecosystem
What are the two major reactions ...,
What is the equation for photosyn...,
What are the major steps involved...
60  cards
Natural Selection
What is the definition of a predator,
What are two main things that col...,
What is the definition of a prey
43  cards
Math Formulas
Perimeter of square,
Perimeter of rectangle,
Circumference of circle
21  cards
1 squared,
2 squared,
3 squared
31  cards

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vocab for school

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