This class was created by Brainscape user Stanton Gray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (66)

Animal welfare regulations,
Who determines the excercise prog...,
People who buy and sell dogs they...
160  cards
Chapter 1 - The Field of Laboratory Animal Science
The field of laboratory animal sc...,
In 1950 dr nathan brewer and othe...,
The scientist who plans and coord...
6  cards
Chapter 2 - The Animal Research Environment
The animal welfare act is adminis...,
What regulations apply to nonclin...,
What committee oversees the insti...
15  cards
Chapter 3 - Facility Security & Emergencies
What is a disaster plan,
_____ are used to measure the eff...,
Name three ways to prevent a secu...
5  cards
Chapter 4 - Occupational Health & Safety
Name the three key factors for pe...,
Gloves safety glasses and masks a...,
What type of ppe provides the bes...
10  cards
Chapter 5 - Facility Equipment
Name the three types of automatic...,
What two devices are used for wei...,
How is an automatic water drinkin...
10  cards
Chapter 6 - Caging Systems
What type of housing is used for ...,
Name one type of outdoor enclosur...,
A rectangular open box used to ho...
10  cards
Chapter 7 - The Laboratory Animal Environment
The environment within the animal...,
The environment within the animal...,
Name three environmental factors ...
15  cards
Chapter 8 - Housekeeping Tasks & Contamination Control
Microorganisms that cause disease...,
If you transfer a chemical to ano...,
Why should you not mix different ...
20  cards
Chapter 9 - Feed & Nutrition
What is the most important nutrient,
The amount of energy contained in...,
What is the indigestible form of ...
15  cards
Chapter 10 - Husbandry
Why are some species fasted befor...,
What type of device is inserted u...,
What is direct bedding
10  cards
Chapter 11 -Animal Procurement & Quarantine
How does a class a dealer obtain ...,
What does the animals microbiolog...,
An animal that carries no detecta...
13  cards
Chapter 12 - Medications
Name two common inhalant anesthetics,
Give three examples of parenteral...,
What is the term for a drug that ...
15  cards
Chapter 13 - Colony Health Surveillance
When an animal exhibits head tilt...,
What condition may be indicated w...,
What condition may be indicated w...
15  cards
Chapter 14 - Euthanasia
Inducing death in a way that mini...,
Why are animals euthanized in an ...,
What term does the avma guideline...
10  cards
Chapter 15 - Introduction to Science & Metrics
What prefix would you add to the ...,
What is the root of the word neur...,
All units in the metric system ar...
20  cards
Chapter 16 - Experimental Design & Methodology
In a research project the group t...,
In an experiment what do you call...,
A statement that expresses a rese...
5  cards
Chapter 17 - Heredity & Breeding
What are the units of genetic inh...,
Genes are located on chromosomes ...,
Long strings of double stranded d...
15  cards
Chapter 18 - Mice
What is the hair color pattern of...,
What is the scientific name for t...,
If two mouse strains are bred to ...
10  cards
Chapter 19 - Rats
Which strain of rat is known as t...,
What is the reddish material foun...,
Overgrowth of rodent incisors is ...
10  cards
Chapter 20 - Hamsters
What do hamsters do if the room t...,
What is the most common hamster s...,
What is different about the hamst...
10  cards
Chapter 21 - Gerbils
What is the scientific name for t...,
What is another name for a gerbil,
Skin sloughing off a gerbils tail...
10  cards
Chapter 22 - Guinea Pigs
What is another common name for a...,
Why are guinea pigs fasted before...,
True or false guinea pigs produce...
10  cards
Chapter 23 - Rabbits
What is the scientific name for t...,
What is the fold of loose skin be...,
A rabbits second set of upper inc...
11  cards
Chapter 24 - Cats
What is the scientific name for t...,
What type of ovulation occurs in ...,
What are the male and female cat ...
10  cards
Chapter 25 - Dogs
What is the scientific name of th...,
How long is the typical sexual cy...,
Adult dogs are usually fed how often
11  cards
Chapter 26 - Swine
Duroc and yorkshire breeds are ex...,
Give an example of a strain of mi...,
What is a hammock that is suspend...
10  cards
Chapter 27 - Ruminants
How many compartments are in a ru...,
Why is cud chewing important for ...,
When a sheep has an open face wha...
15  cards
Chapter 28 - Nonhuman Primates
What does a prehensile tail allow...,
What is the term for the red wrin...,
Nonhuman primates typically found...
10  cards
Chapter 29 - Birds
What is the taxonomic class for b...,
The specialized stomach of a bird...,
In birds the chamber into which t...
10  cards
Chapter 30 - Amphibians
What is the scientific name for t...,
What are the three types of envir...,
What is neoteny
10  cards
Chapter 31 - Fish
The release of eggs and sperm by ...,
What is the typical quarantine in...,
Name two methods for identificati...
10  cards
Chapter 32 - Less Common Research Animals
A male ferret is called a _____ a...,
What is the fitch coloration in f...,
What happens to a ferrets weight ...
20  cards
Chapter 1 - Quiz
Through the aalas certification p...,
Which of the following duties wou...,
What group was established in 195...
11  cards
Chapter 2 - Quiz
At most institutions who must rev...,
What is the term described in the...,
Using cell or tissue culture or m...
19  cards
Chapter 3 - Quiz
Which document contains informati...,
What is the best way to measure t...,
Which of the following facilities...
10  cards
Chapter 4 - Quiz
What is the goal of an occupation...,
Which federal agency in the us is...,
Which health surveillance procedu...
22  cards
Chapter 5 - Quiz
What is the typical flow of cagin...,
What type of cage washer is best ...,
Which piece of sanitization equip...
20  cards
Chapter 6 - Quiz
The primary enclosure refers to a...,
The guide for the care and use of...,
Housing for what species requires...
18  cards
Chapter 7 - Quiz
What term refers to the environme...,
Proper ventilation in animal room...,
The guide recommends a room venti...
18  cards
Chapter 8 - Quiz
What information does the materia...,
What are infectious agents that a...,
What information should be kept i...
16  cards
Chapter 9 - Quiz
Feed is much more important than ...,
Acid and ____________ are sometim...,
Which of the following is an esse...
20  cards
Chapter 10 - Quiz
Which acronym refers to withholdi...,
Animals with which disease have i...,
Which species are typically not f...
16  cards
Chapter 11 - Quiz
Animals from what source are most...,
What type of dealer can usually p...,
What type of animals may have dig...
18  cards
Chapter 12 - Quiz
What is the generic name for the ...,
What are pain relieving drugs cal...,
Opioid analgesics are often refer...
25  cards
Chapter 13 - Quiz
Insufficient feed and internal pa...,
What clinical signs can indicate ...,
What is the involuntary bristling...
23  cards
Chapter 14 - Quiz
Which is the publication that the...,
Conditionally acceptable method o...,
Which of the following is a defin...
13  cards
Chapter 15 - Quiz
The prefix hemi means a powerfulb...,
What part of a word provides the ...,
The metric system is based on pow...
26  cards
Chapter 16 - Quiz
When is the hypothesis developed ...,
In most facilities no research ex...,
Although the iacuc must approve a...
11  cards
Chapter 17 - Quiz
What is the scientific study of h...,
A permanent change in an inherite...,
What do genes consist of a dna in...
22  cards
Chapter 18 - Quiz
Which is the appropriate descript...,
Which of the following is a black...,
Which of the following is an albi...
18  cards
Chapter 19 - Quiz
What is a common name for the lon...,
Which is an inbred strain of rats...,
What method of rat restraint is a...
13  cards
Chapter 20 - Quiz
What is the scientific name for t...,
What is another species of hamste...,
Which of the following is an anat...
14  cards
Chapter 21 - Quiz
For what type of research are ger...,
What is the scientific name for t...,
What precaution should you take w...
13  cards
Chapter 22 - Quiz
What is the scientific name for t...,
What color is a duncan hartley gu...,
What is the weight range of a new...
13  cards
Chapter 23 - Quiz
What is the typical temperament o...,
What is important to remember whe...,
What is coprophagy a pulling hair...
18  cards
Chapter 24 - Quiz
What is the scientific name for t...,
What type of restraint for cats w...,
What is the average weight range ...
14  cards
Chapter 25 - Quiz
What is the scientific name for t...,
What is a recommended technique f...,
What is a common breed of dog use...
12  cards
Chapter 26 - Quiz
What is the scientific name for t...,
Which of the following is a breed...,
Which of the following is a breed...
21  cards
Chapter 27 - Quiz
What is the scientific name of th...,
What are male and female sheep ca...,
In which of the following situati...
24  cards
Chapter 28 - Quiz
What is the scientific name of th...,
What are monkeys of african and a...,
Which is a distinguishing feature...
14  cards
Chapter 29 - Quiz
Which order do chickens belong to...,
Which order do parrots belong to ...,
What is the best way to perform m...
20  cards
Chapter 30 - Quiz
What does ectothermic mean a warm...,
What is the scientific name of th...,
Why should frogs be handled with ...
21  cards
Chapter 31 - Quiz
What is the most common species o...,
What fish organ extracts oxygen f...,
What fish organ senses vibrations...
17  cards
Chapter 32 - Quiz
Which animal belongs to the order...,
What change occurs with ferrets d...,
Which of the following describes ...
21  cards
ALAT Final Review Questions
Why should employees with pets in...,
A kilogram is approximately equal...,
Which identification is not commo...
120  cards

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