This class was created by Brainscape user tiana zengeni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

the brain
What is the limbic system made up of,
What is the function of the hypot...,
What is the function of the pitui...
13  cards
the spinal cord
What is an axon,
What are axon terminals,
What is the cell body
7  cards
recreational drugs
What is an agonist drug,
What is an antagonist drug,
What is does the reuptake inhibit...
17  cards
brain imagine techniques
0  cards
twin and adoption studies
0  cards
the central nervous system
What are the three types of nero,
What does the motor neuron do,
What does the inter neuron do
9  cards
the biological approach
What is a genotype,
What is a phenotype
2  cards
biological explanations for agression
What are monozygotic twins,
What are dizygotic twins,
What is indirect aggression
16  cards
synaptic transmission
What is synaptic transmission,
What is reputake,
How does synaptic transmission ha...
7  cards
correlations (RM)
What are co variables,
What is a positive correlation,
What is a negative correlation
11  cards
What is testosterone,
What does cortisol do,
When is cortisol released
4  cards
RESEARCH METHOD:S - brain scanninng techniwues
What are the strengths of pet scans,
What are the weaknesses of fmri s...,
What are the strengths of pet scans
6  cards
RESEARCH METHODS: twin stideos
What are the strength of twin stu...,
What are the weaknesses of twin s...,
What is the strength of separatae...
4  cards
evolutional explanations
What is natural selection,
What is survival of the fittest,
What is sexual selection
7  cards
basics in the psychodynamic theory (freud)
What are the 7 defence mechanisms,
What is denial,
What is displacement
14  cards

More about
biological psychology

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