cognition and development

This class was created by Brainscape user Phoebe Peake. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

methods and research design
Define developmental psychology,
Ahat are the,
What is an example of an inverted...
17  cards
language development
What are the five main components...,
What is language,
What are pragmatics
37  cards
theory of mind
What is premack and woodruff s de...,
What has been discovered about to...,
What is the false belief task
9  cards
gene x environment interaction
Differentiate between the terms g...,
What is phenotypic plasticity,
What are examples of traits that ...
13  cards
introduction to emotion
What is emotion,
What are the stages of emotional ...,
What did darwin propose about emo...
30  cards
effects of emotion on cognition
What is the priming procedure and...,
What did bargh et al investigate ...,
What is attention
33  cards
perception and cognition
What are the 4 main ways of study...,
How does energy become a represen...,
What is the difference between pe...
20  cards
What are the stages of the msm at...,
What are the components of the wm...,
What are the two types of long te...
14  cards
What is an example of a single di...,
What is an example of a double di...,
How can we observe double dissoci...
18  cards
lexical access and meaning
How can frequency influence lexic...,
How can we measure brain activati...,
3  cards
language and reading
What is a word,
What is the difference between sp...,
What is lexical access
41  cards
selective attention- hearing and vision
What did colin et al study,
What is the cocktail party effect,
What is the bottleneck effect
15  cards
capacity and multitasking
Why is it important to be cautiou...,
When does dual task interference ...,
What are other demands on executi...
13  cards
thinking, reasoning and decision making
Distinguish between inductive and...,
Distinguish between problem solvi...,
What is the general dual process ...
23  cards
control of cognition
What is selection activation of a...,
How can we investigate control pr...,
How can we measure systematic err...
11  cards
0  cards

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cognition and development

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