This class was created by Brainscape user ROSIE H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Topic 1a- Cells
What are prokaryotic cells,
What are the main organelles in p...,
Name the main organelles in a bac...
11  cards
Topic 1a- Mitosis and Binary fission
What is mitosis,
What is dna doing when a cell is ...,
What must a cell do before it div...
7  cards
Topic 1b- Transport in cells
What is diffusion,
What factors affect the rate of d...,
Define osmosis
15  cards
Topic 2a- Blood and circulation
What is the difference between th...,
Where does deoxygenated blood ent...,
Where does deoxygenated blood go ...
46  cards
Topic 2a- Plant cell organisation
What are the layers of cells with...,
What happens in the palisade meso...,
What is the main function of the ...
13  cards
Topic 2b- Health disease and cancer
What is good health,
Explain why being overweight may ...,
What are viruses
17  cards
Topic 2c- Enzymes and digestion
Define a catalyst,
How does an enzyme break down a s...,
What conditions must be kept unde...
12  cards
Topic 3- Communicable diseases
What are pathogens,
What are bacteria,
What are viruses
38  cards
Topic 3- Defence against disease
What human defences does,
How does stomach acid kill harmfu...,
What are the differences between ...
18  cards
Topic 3- monoclonal antibodies
What two things fuse together to ...,
Why fuse a lymphocyte with a tumo...,
Why are monoclonal antibodies so ...
6  cards
Topic 4- Cell respiration and exercise
What does cell respiration mean,
What does aerobic mean,
What is the equation for aerobic ...
29  cards
Topic 4 - Bioenergetics
What is the word equation for pho...,
What is the symbol equation for p...,
How do plants use glucose
14  cards
Topic 5a- Reflexes and reaction times
Explain the reflex arc,
What are reflexes,
What is a reaction time
3  cards
Topic 5a- Homeostatis/ thermoregulatory
What is homeostatis,
Which part of the brain controls ...,
How does the thermoregulatory cen...
7  cards
Topic 5a- The eye
What sort of lens will a short si...,
What are the receptor cells in th...,
5  cards
Topic 5a- The Brain
0  cards
Topic 5a- The nervous system
What is the function of the nervo...,
What makes up the central nervous...,
What are stimuli
12  cards
Topic 5b- Hormones / endocrine system + blood glucose
What are hormones,
What does the endocrine system do,
Where is insulin produced
15  cards
Topic 5b- Controlling water content in blood
What is the function of the kidneys,
What is it called when the kidney...,
What is it called when useful sub...
26  cards
Topic 5b- Hormones in the menstrual cycle
What hormones are made in the ova...,
What hormones are produced in the...,
What does fsh do
8  cards
Topic 5c- Increasing fertility
What can be injected into women t...,
What are the steps to ivf,
Pros of ivf
4  cards
Required practicals- paper 1
What is the method for using a li...,
What is the method for osmosis in...,
What is the method for investigat...
10  cards
Topic 5b- Contraceptives
What are contraceptives used for,
What can be used as contraceptives,
What are pros cons of the combine...
6  cards

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gcse biology

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